How does TradeUp work for a CR200 Controller - essentially a product for which there is no (hardware) replacement?
The TradeUp page allows me to check the box next to it and then “Click to receive your credit” (which I haven’t done yet, because I’m unsure about what I let myself in for). This doesn’t indicate that the recycle mode will be initiated. Does this mean I can claim 30% per controller that I own, but it won’t stop working?
Can I then use the discount on any Sonos product?
If I understand it correctly, then as long as I leave a legacy product (e.g. a CR200 controller) in the setup, none of my components will receive software updates, right?
I guess I can’t use more than one TradeUp discount (30%) on a single new product? I don’t really need new products, but if I start adding the discounts for my controllers for the purchase of one item, I may “need” a new product ;-)