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I have a Sonos Connect that I hook up to my amp through the digital output.  I received an email from Sonos saying that I could “upgrade” to a Sonos Port with a 30% discount for the upgrade, plus they will be increasing the cost of the Port In January.  However, I can’t see any reason for me to upgrade.  If they had upgraded the digital out to pass through hi-res sources (e.g., 24/196 from Amazon HD), I would do it, but from everything I’ve read, it still is only passing 16/44.1.  Am I overlooking anything, or am I right in assessing there is no value in upgrading from a Connect to a Port?



Other than a fresh lease of probable service life and a year’s warranty, nothing; functionality is unchanged.

There is supposedly a better DAC in the Port.  Make of that what you will, but it’s irrelevant in your case as you aren’t using the DAC.  The Port has Airplay 2.  The case for upgrading seems weak, at best, unless you place a much higher value on Airplay than I do.

There is supposedly a better DAC in the Port.  Make of that what you will, but it’s irrelevant in your case as you aren’t using the DAC.  The Port has Airplay 2.  The case for upgrading seems weak, at best, unless you place a much higher value on Airplay than I do.

You are correct, I do not use their DAC.  Also, I have no use for Airplay 2.  I don’t know what they think is an upgrade on this device.  It seems like an expensive exchange.

For many people, those two items are an upgrade. For you, not so much. But the Port was designed to appeal to a wide variety of customers, not just to you. 

There is no requirement to upgrade. Your CONNECT will continue to function. 

I have a related question for the same upgrade (i.e. Connect to Port).  I have a lot of Sonos speakers throughout the house that can no longer play music directly off my phone/iPad  (no thanks to Sonos).

If I upgrade from Connect to Port, will that allow me to play my music (via AirPlay 2) to the Port and from there to all of my older speakers?



Yes, the Port is an AirPlay 2 target.  See the marketing page on the Sonos website: