Hello Everyone
There has been conversation regarding the logic of upgrading to the Era 300 or Era 100 speakers. Below is my opinion as to when an upgrade to the Era Series Speakers may (or may not) be warranted given your current Sonos setup.
The following is from an empirical view point and by no means should be considered as a rule of thumb: but more correctly as a guide. Everyone has their own reason(s) as to when, why and/or should an upgrade be considered.
My personal reasons are that I like the latest and greatest tech; not just Sonos, but other electronic manufacturers as well. Regarding Sonos, mine is by design to upgrade and sell the previous model to defer the cost of the new gear and get a decent ROI.
Although Sonos products hold their value quite well...timing is also a key factor. People are more apt to buy used (pre-owned) electronics especially when the out-going product is still being sold on the manufacturer’s website and in stores at MSRP. I might also mention that I’m a Sonos junkie desperately in need of professional help.
I hope the following opinion/information proves useful and aides to make an informed decision when considering upgrading to the Era 300 and/or Era 100 speakers. There are caveats to be considered (cost is one) that are noted with special characters/symbols.
Note: Cost (price) is not always a factor of one’s ability to afford something. Sometimes it has to do with price parity in relationship to other factors/components. Consider a $250,000 home with a $350,000 auto in the garage. The price parity should be the opposite .
Era 300’s as Stand-alone or Stereo Pair - Not interested in Dolby Atmos (Spatial Audio)
Your Current Setup is….
- Five x 1: Do not switch
- Five x 2: Do not switch
- One x 2: Upgrade to Era 100’s
- One SL x 2: Upgrade to Era 100’s *
Era 300’s as Stand-alone or Stereo Pair - Interested in Dolby Atmos (Spatial Audio)
Your Current Setup is….
- Five x 1: Upgrade to Era 300 **
- Five x 2: Upgrade to Era 300 **
- One x 2: Upgrade to Era 300
- One SL x 2: Upgrade to Era 300 *
Era 300’s as Surrounds in Home Theater – Not interested in expanding Dolby Atmos sound affects in rear
Your Current Setup is….
- Arc with Fives: Do not upgrade
- Arc with Ones or One SL’s: Upgrade can be beneficial for expanded surround
- Beam (Gen2) with Fives: Do not upgrade
- Beam (Gen 2) with Ones or One SL’s: Upgrade can be beneficial for expanded surround ***
Era 300’s as Surrounds in Home Theater – Interested in expanding Doby Atmos sound affects in rear
Your Current Setup is….
- Arc with Fives: Upgrade to Era 300’s
- Arc with Ones or One SL’s: Upgrade to Era 300’s
- Beam (Gen 2) with Ones or One SL’s: Upgrade to Era 300’s ***
- Beam (Gen2) with Fives: Upgrade to Era 300’s ^
Era 100’s as Stand-alone or Stereo Pair for General music listening
Your Current Setup is….
- One x 1: Upgrade to Era 100
- One x 2: Upgrade to Era 100’s
- One SL x 1: Upgrade to Era 100 *
- One SL x 2: Upgrade to Era 100’s *
Era 100’s as Surrounds in Home Theater with Arc or Beam (Gen2)
Your Current Setup is….
- One x 2: Upgrade to Era 100’s - Recommended Era 300’s for complete Dolby Atmos experience; assuming cost is a non-issue
- One SL x 2: Same as above
Era 100’s as Surrounds in Home Theater with Ray
Your Current Setup is….
- One x 2: Cost is the determining factor here as audible gain (based upon current opinion/review) may not be noticeable in all situations. The audible gain is likely more pronounced in a small room such as a bedroom. Of course everyone’s audible perception is different; therefore one should test extensively during the return window. Cost may not be a factor (nor audible gain) if you intend to repurpose the One’s, sell them to recoup some ROI or you have deep pockets
- One SL x 2: Same a above *
* You must be comfortable with using the “hardware” button to cut power to microphones that disable/prevents use of TruePlay and voice assistants. If not; DO NOT upgrade.
** You should do a thorough in-home comparison versus Five(s) for general music (non-Dolby Atmos (spatial audio) listening if you intend to gift/sell them instead of repurposing for use in same room or elsewhere in your home. I mention this as the Five(s) sound fantastic for Stereo listening and due to the fact that music recordings in Dolby Atmos (spatial audio) are very limited at this time. A more prudent approach may be to wait until the Dolby Atmos (spatial audio) medium for music is more prevalent. Regarding moving from the One’s/One SL’s your listening experience will be greatly enhanced. So go for it!
*** You should consider the cost of the Era 300’s which are twice (2x) the cost of the Beam (Gen2); so be sure you really want Dolby Atmos effects in rear. It’s a moot point if you intend to repurpose the One’s or One SL’s for use elsewhere in your home (or sell them to recoup some of your initial investment).
^ Cost factor is not discussed here as monies were spent to purchase Five’s which suggests deep pockets