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I have a new beam 2 and freestyle projector connected by micro hdmi - e arc 


it works well together after a while - but getting connection AGAIN once devices turned off is my  issue 

As it works eventually this is clearly my failing but I really need a list of steps to follow - 


on occasion the beam doesn’t see the hdmi e arc connection- once it said there is something interfering ? 



Hi ​@Buyingadvice 

Thanks for your post!

Sorry to hear of this issue you are having with getting audio from your projector through your Beam Gen 2.

If the beam reports another device conflicting, then that other device is very likely the input device that you have plugged into the other HDMI port on the projector. Either disable this device’s CEC-related settings (they generally refer to turning the TV on with the device, changing input, or adjusting volume), or, if this cannot be done, or if disabling the settings does not help, it might help to fit a cheap CEC-less adaptor between the input device and the projector.

I hope this helps.

Real kind of you to take time to reply 


that message has unilaterally stopped now ( the device only has the one port in fact which connects to the beam. 

it’s just very strange - if we accidentally turn off projector we all are in fear that the sound will stop and invariably it does - so another trawl begins of switching on off / pulling cables out etc and then it starts - no idea why or what’s happening - just grateful ? 

Hi ​@Buyingadvice 

If the projector only has one HDMI port, then obviously my assumption was wrong. It means, however, that the Beam was finding a conflict with the very device that is setting up the HDMI-CEC network in the first place, which is troubling.

I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports - there will be more information pertaining to the CEC network in the diagnostics.

It sounds like the projector needs a software update, however - is there one available? It’s also possible that unplugging the projector from power for a full minute will help.

I hope this helps.

Atmos is working now too - it’s quite amazing ! And it  has a personality 😀

Hi ​@Buyingadvice 

Fantastic - great to hear! What was it that fixed it?

I hate to disappoint- but we do everything ( with all the settings on both devices including turning the volume up and down / and  pulling the cable in and  out - and then it just starts - not scientific but it works eventually 😃

Will ring Help in the New Year 

Hi ​@Buyingadvice 

My bet would be on the cable removal. Enjoy!
