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Your tech support told me I was out of luck. That I could not use the Sub mini with my current system of 6 speakers. All Gen 1 except for a Beam. It was suggested that I return it to the store. Talk about a technical and marketing train wreck. In any case, I managed to put on my nerd hat and figured it out thanks to others on Google. A lot of unplugging and DHCP reservations. Now I’m running S1 in conjunction with S2. It’s not too pretty but it all works. 

I get that progress is inevitable but so is backward compatibility. A flash upgrade perhaps? Whatever it is, please consider updating the Mini to work with the S1. Thanks.

It can't.  In order to be used with S1, the S1 app must recognize the device.  Since Sub Mini didn’t even exist when S1 was split off, and they can't add anything new to S1 due to memory constrants, no devices made after the S1 split can ever be supported on S1.

Conceptually I think that this would be possible, but at what cost? Would SONOS be able to sell enough MINI’s to S1 owners to justify the development and maintenance costs?

I don’t recall any previous requests for this feature.

I’ve got several gen 1 5’s which are my only speakers not compatible with S2. Decided to replace them with 3’s, keep the sub and use the new app. The gen 2 5’s are too expensive IMO. I do love Sonos and know that nothing lasts forever but one could hope. Anyone want to buy a CR200..LOL.   

I’ve got several gen 1 5’s which are my only speakers not compatible with S2. Decided to replace them with 3’s, keep the sub and use the new app. The gen 2 5’s are too expensive IMO. I do love Sonos and know that nothing lasts forever but one could hope. Anyone want to buy a CR200..LOL.   

You can still use your CR200 with your old speakers, well until the touchscreen fails (which they all do).

Conceptually I think that this would be possible, but at what cost? Would SONOS be able to sell enough MINI’s to S1 owners to justify the development and maintenance costs?

I don’t recall any previous requests for this feature.


The number of users on S1 users is only going to get smaller as time goes on.  it does not make send development money for a customer base that is only diminishing.

The 5 is only 2 years older than the 3. I wonder what it is about the difference in technology that would make the 5 incompatible. Has Sonos ever released that info? 

The 5 is only 2 years older than the 3. I wonder what it is about the difference in technology that would make the 5 incompatible. Has Sonos ever released that info? 

Maybe this will help… it looks like the Play:3 was given twice the memory/storage of the early Play:5 (Gen 1)

You would need to get your hands on the Play:5 (gen2) or the later Five.