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I’ve recently bought a Ray, a Gen 3 Sub, 2 x Eras 100 (configured as stereo pair) and a Five.

Half the time I listen to music and the other half I watch TV.  When watching TV, most of the time, I will use just the Ray and Sub.  The other speakers are positioned for music.  If I put a film on I may temporarily move the Eras and use them for rear surround sound.

Currently, I have the sub paired with the Ray so that it works, whether I’m watching TV or listening to music.  It was paired with the Five, but whenever I watch TV, I had to re-pair it to the Ray.

Does it matter which speaker I pair the Sub with?  What is best to get optimum sound quality?

Also, if I did want to use the Eras for rear surrounds, would I do this, but going into the config screen for the Ray and adding them as paired device there?

Thanks in advance!

As you say in your question, reconfiguring speakers and bonding the Sub is quite easy and straightforward, if a little time-consuming. Your ears are probably best at deciding what config is “best”. 

To add your Eras as surrounds you’ll need to “unpair” them first, then add as surrounds.