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Weird noise at nighttime

  • 18 December 2022
  • 3 replies

Every night at around 3 / 4 AM my play 1 omits a low pitch ‘ping’ around a dozen or so times. They happen every 20 seconds or so.


At first I thought it was my Alexa so unplugged it to find out it must be the Play 1 in our kitchen. 

It is a mid / low pitch ping that lasts a split second and repeats around a dozen times. Wakes me up every night, any help appreciated. 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

​Hi @DavidA86 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

Are you 100% sure it’s a Sonos device making the noise? Generally, when it is Sonos making noises at night it’s due to a cat, but, as you don’t have any Sonos devices with touch-sensitive controls, this is unlikely - unless you have a particularly persistent cat, of course, as I do (though he doesn’t press buttons - he just wakes me up by injecting a single claw into my forehead and he shouts at me a lot)

I noticed you submitted diagnostics just before posting here and I checked - the only thing I can see the system doing at around that time is checking for updates, which should not result in any sounds whatsoever - even if there is an update available, which there usually is not. I recommend you unplug your Sonos devices from power for a night - if you still hear it, it’s clearly not Sonos. I would be very surprised to hear that it is a Sonos device making the noise, so if turning them all off does indeed stop the pinging noise then please let me know.

By the way, your system is currently in an unsupported configuration, with only one surround speaker bonded to your Playbar. It looks like you bonded both speakers as surrounds, then reset one and added it back to the system, putting it in the Kitchen instead. My personal recommendation would be to buy a Sonos One for the Kitchen - the voice assistants are really handy when you are cooking - and to put the Play:1 there back into the room with the Playbar. Note that you’ll need to remove the single surround speaker from the Playbar before you can then add the two Play:1s together.

I hope this helps.

Hi Corry,


Thank you for your response to my query which is very much appreciated. Noted re the configuration, I will take a look into this. 


I think that the noise is coming from one of my Alexa’s. I had unplugged the device assuming it could therefore not be this making the nice to then discover that they are on charge when plugged in and therefore do not automatically turn off when unplugged.


Great advice all round, many thanks

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @DavidA86 

Thanks for updating the thread, and I’m glad you found the source!
