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I purchased two new SYMFONISK Table Lamps today which I’ve been unable to add to my existing system despite dozens of attempts. I can’t get beyond the ‘Getting your SYMFONISK Table Lamp Read...’ screen.

Have been though the process multiple times and end up with a ‘Your SYMFONISK Table Lamp couldn’t be set up. Unplug the power cord, plug it back in, and try again’.

I’m also encountering a message saying ‘The connection to your SYMFONISK Table lamp was lost. Make sure SYMFONISK Table lamp is powered on’.

Additional details.

  • Router has been powered off and on again.
  • Have tried with and without ethernet connected directly to the router.
  • With ethernet disconnected the setup process gets as far as connecting to the temporary network, but then fails.
  • Router broadcasts 2.4 and 5GHz on same channel SSID, have tried with each of them disabled in turn.
  • Lamps have been unplugged and plugged back in again.
  • App (on Android Pixel 7) is up to date.
  • Other speakers on existing system are all working fine.

Any help appreciated.

This is an issue that many Sonos owners are experiencing as there’s been a number of posts.

Seems like the new POS Sonos app is to blame.

People have said support has been of no help but you may want to give it a shot. It’s not just Ikea, also some sonos products. I would return it or wait a few weeks and see if an update fixes it or sonos post a solution. Sorry I can’t be of more help.


Managed to solve this by using the app on my partner’s phone (an older Pixel model), which got us to the point of the speakers adding and updating, but showing as ‘not registered’. We got stuck going round in circles at this point, but then some combination of restarting the speakers, phone and router got us to the point of it successfully registering.

Glad you got it sorted out.I’ve got 4 of the lamps, they are great speakers!