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I read, in a Era 300 review, that Trueplay is not yet optimized for 2.0 or 2.1 configurations. Do you know if the problem has been resolved in the meantime?


I’ve not seen that listed anywhere, can you provide a link to this review?

I’ve not seen that listed anywhere, can you provide a link to this review?



Fascinating, thank you. I don’t have recall seeing that anywhere else. 

If it is still true (and that review is from August), I’d certainly expect Sonos to either have already changed that, or will do so soon. It certainly wouldn’t be any impediment for me, as in several rooms I have, I’ve chosen not to use TruePlay, as it appears not to make any difference, probably due to my care in placing speakers in the audio environment. In other rooms, where I’ve been forced for more ‘odd’ placement, I’ve used it to some relatively mild effect.

But I’ve always considered TruePlay more as a ‘marketing’ checkbox, not a requirement. If Sonos felt it a requirement, I’d think they would have put more effort in to making it work using Android devices, something they’d not (yet) done.

I'm pretty sure if Trueplay were not optimized for Era 300s in a certain configuration, the option to Trueplay would be greyed out or not even there.

I'm pretty sure if Trueplay were not optimized for Era 300s in a certain configuration, the option to Trueplay would be greyed out or not even there.

Yes, it makes sense, but i think review is referred to a bug. 


Reviews are often done with pre-release software, it’s entirely possible that Sonos had not finished the TruePlay. Most sites don’t bother to go back and update their previous publishes, either. 

As I said before, TruePlay, while it can be helpful at times, is not essential.