@DS89 From the products in your profile you probably need to follow the unsupported products section on this page.
The app cannot be used to add a WiFi network to all products, only products with Bluetooth LE. In one of the wizard screens there is a supported products link, which is easily missed.
Unfortunately if you only have unsupported products that were setup on Ethernet/Sonosnet the wizard just reports no products found after searching the network and doesn’t configure WiFi on them.
I had to factory reset my gen 1 devices listed under unsupported products. As I didn’t have any newer products connected it meant setting up as a new system, losing all my existing services settings. To switch my devices to WiFi I did the following
- remove Ethernet cables from all unsupported devices
- factory reset the unsupported devices
- Close the app completely and restart it
- In the app it showed no products found
- For the first speaker I added it by using setup a new system
- for the remaining speakers added them as normal
- Add streaming services back to the app
The order of setting up the products for the new WiFi is
- Supported speaker use the app
- Then unsupported speakers need to be factory reset
I was very surprised the speakers needed a factory reset and if I wasn’t doing it for testing purposes would have just left everything on Sonosnet with a single speaker plugged into Ethernet.
In terms of alternatives, my advice and method I used to start was:
- work out which streaming services you want now and might want in the future
- do you want external connections, hdmi, hdmi arc, line in
- decide if you want self contained speakers or can use standalone players and external amplification
From there it starts to narrow the list of alternatives, especially if you want self contained speakers.
After that the different control apps became my decider. I went a similar route I did with my Tv. Treat the streaming player as a swappable part, but the amplification/speakers as the bit to keep and not need to change. While my AVRs and speakers have the streaming built in, they will continue to work as dumb devices in the future, so like my tv if the streaming bits stop working I’ll just add external players.