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I am unable to connect my Sonos One SL to my Spectrum router. Any help is appreciated!

Hi @Gened, welcome to the Sonos Community!

I know that Spectrum provide a few different routers besides their own, such as Technicolor, Arris, etc. They have a list of what routers they provide on their website which I’d suggest checking for your routers make and model.

I’d recommend comparing your router to our list of Incompatible network hardware. It’s possible that your router, if not fully incompatible, have a setting that can be changed to allow the connection.

If your router isn’t listed as incompatible, then I’d suggest temporarily wiring your Sonos One SL to your router via and ethernet cable to see if that allows you to connect to it. You could also leave your routers make and model here for other community users and myself to help with possible solutions.

I hope this information helps!

@Gened Make sure band steering is disabled in your router’s settings. You want to keep the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands separate.
