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Speakers will not stay connected to system

I have assigned IPs to each speaker and they connected for 1 day. This morning I opened the app only to find “no products found”. In system settings it tells me to “update network “ which finds both speakers, connects to the WiFi, only to revert back to “no products found. I did this routine 3 times and still have no music.

What is wrong with this scenario?

12 replies

I have the same problems. What’s going on here? It has worked until this morning

I have no explanation that makes any sense, but at the very least, I’d try temporarily connecting a Sonos device with an Ethernet cable, if you can. But certainly, I’d call Sonos Support directly to discuss it.

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Thanks for the suggestions, however I have tried the connection to the router. Didn’t work. Support requires a multi-hour commitment. And only available during day. Since posting this I have had a few successful attempts at getting connected but they have not been consistent. I have the app on 2 iPhones and a iPad which each has the same problem.

The only way I can use my system (2 speakers) is to use the web app ( which is consistent but not convenient. And why that works (same network) is above my pay grade.

The few times I am able to get the apps to work on phone or iPad the speakers will not sync to play the same service. Or, only 1 of 2 speakers is found. And many times I connect to one of my services only to get”can’t connect, try again later. So there’s that.

 I keep trying to find something that explains what is happening but so far, no luck. 
I have reset network on all devices, rebooted the router dozens of times ( which should not have to be done at all ) and updated all app instances including removing and reinstalling. Nothing works.

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Update: In an almost 3 hour phone call including wait time I was finally told that Sonos has a known issue with IOS devices and recommended that I use an Android device ($500) or the web app ( ) which I am already using because it works!

It took about 45 minutes to get to this point. Instead of being upfront as soon as I identified that I am using IOS devices I was led round and round with BS about my router, about this, about that…

Exasperated, I made the Sonos tech tell me in plain language “there is no solution “.  And that is it in the nutshell - THERE IS NO SOLUTION.

Good morning, there was un update installed for the speaker and now it works. 


Userlevel 1
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Which speaker?

Userlevel 5
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Update: In an almost 3 hour phone call including wait time I was finally told that Sonos has a known issue with IOS devices and recommended that I use an Android device ($500) or the web app ( ) which I am already using because it works!

It took about 45 minutes to get to this point. Instead of being upfront as soon as I identified that I am using IOS devices I was led round and round with BS about my router, about this, about that…

Exasperated, I made the Sonos tech tell me in plain language “there is no solution “.  And that is it in the nutshell - THERE IS NO SOLUTION.

Try sonophone/sonopad app Ios £4

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I am not understanding to what you are referring 

please clarify 

Userlevel 5
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buy a 3rd party controller app from app store, sonosphone it will control all your sonos devices

Userlevel 1
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Found it bought it only finds one speaker can’t connect the second speaker which is playing at the moment. Thanks for the suggestion.

Userlevel 5
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Found it bought it only finds one speaker can’t connect the second speaker which is playing at the moment. Thanks for the suggestion.

All should appear in web app, if they don’t power them off/on one at a time

Userlevel 1
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Yes they appear in the SONOS web app. The issue is with Sonopad. Only one speaker appears. Stephan the app creator is helping with that issue.
