
Speakers randomly cut out and disappear in app

  • 12 October 2023
  • 6 replies

Our system is all the sudden cutting in and out.  Speakers show up, play, stop playing and disappear randomly.  I have 15 SONOS products and this is annoying.  Any ideas?  


Best answer by Airgetlam 12 October 2023, 18:26

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6 replies

Most likely, this is due to duplicate IP addresses brought on by the router losing track during the Sonos software update process. 

Normally, I suggest a short term fix, but given that you have so many Sonos products, I’d highly recommend that you assign all Sonos devices reserved IP addresses in your router’s DHCP table. Check your router’s manual, each router model seems to handle this process differently. This is a much more ‘permanent’ fix, and good network etiquette, and should resolve your issues, once it’s done. 

I’m not technologically advanced to do this for my single Sonos one sl, does it need a Ethernet cable? 

Not likely, an Ethernet cable would have no effect on a duplicate IP address. You could do the non-permanent fix of powering down all Sonos devices, then rebooting your router. Give the router a few minutes to load everything, then plug back in your Sonos devices. 

However, assigning reserved IP addresses isn’t that challenging of a task. After the initial trepidation, it took about 3 minutes of reading the manual, then another three minutes to do the first, then about 10 seconds to do each of the other 25 devices, as I then understood the process. What I thought was daunting turned out not to be. 

I figured out my issue, thank you.  It turns out my phone was connecting to my neighbors wifi which was weak and my speaker was connected to my home, I had to make my phone stop auto connecting to my neighbors so it only finds mine.

That would certainly be a problem, unless you connected your Sonos as well to your neighbor’s WiFi….which would likely have other issues ;). 

Userlevel 7
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It is usually pretty simple to set the addresses. Go to your router’s admin pages and then the DHCP Settings page. You’d make the settings there and it usually has a nice help button. If not the router’s manual should have step by step instructions.

I fought my system for many months until I did this, since then I have not had a single issue that could be address related, before every update and power glitch caused me grief.

If you are having holiday company you could ask nicely and see if any of them are up to making the settings change.