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Sonos System with missing rooms on Google Nest Wifi

I have my Sonos system connected to Nest wifi pro. Every few days or so one of my speakers or rooms of my Sonos system disappears. I have to then restart my WiFi network and then the problem is solved. But then it happens again in a few days. What can I do to stop this from happening?

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44 replies

Userlevel 2

Seeing the exact same problem with my Nest WiFi Pro. Would love to know if you got anywhere with support? From what I can tell I think it’s a DHCP server issue on the Nest. Have occasionally seen other devices drop off and be unable to reconnect until a network restart. 

Nest WiFi Pro had been pretty good until 5-6 weeks ago. 

Userlevel 1


Have not really gotten anywhere. I tried reserving IP addresses for each speaker, that did not fix the issue. The issue is intermittent. Rooms disappear, then if I restart my router/network they will come back, or sometimes the rooms come back on their own. Really frustrating. Sonos support did escalate my case so I could eventually speak to an actual human being but its by appointment the earliest appointment they have is like a week and a half from now. So that’s not really helpful since I can’t talk to someone while I know the issue is occurring. 


It’s interesting you mentioned it was working fine until somewhat recently. I’m in the same boat. This was all working flawlessly for a long time and now it’s a mess. 

Userlevel 2

@Pz8675309 thats not good to hear that it takes them that long to respond :(

like you I’ve already gone the fixed IP route. It makes no difference. 

sometimes even my iPhone drops off the network though and won’t reconnect to WiFi until I restart the network. I have a feeling I’ll be raising this with nest support as well. 

worryingly when I looked up people with similar issues their support simply stated they didn’t guarantee 24/7 service and restarting the network was a valid solution. If I get to that point I’ll be ditching nest and switching to something else. 

would like to hope the support routes might at least help identify the cause of the specific issue. 

Userlevel 1

@Philip87 If you make any progress please post back here. Would be super helpful. I have not had any other devices dropping off our network, only Sonos.

I have thought of contacting Nest support as well. My guess is it will turn into Nest pointing at Sonos and Sonos pointing at Nest, leaving me again with hours wasted and no resolution. I would hate to get rid of my Nest system (bought recently) just to hopefully find something that works for Sonos. 

Userlevel 1

I have this same exact issue (with Nest wifi pro) and have also spoken with Sonos support.

I have 3 nest wifi pros that are hardlined to the router and 2 wireless nest wifi pros (as part of my mesh network)

After sending diagnostics.  I was told by sonos support that my arc is connecting to the 2.4ghz, while my era 300s were connecting to the 5ghz.


My system worked fine with an arc and sub in living room and 1 era 300 in the kitchen.   As soon as I added another era 300 in my office, I started having these same issues you mention (rooms randomly disappearing), requiring me to restart or reboot sonos or my entire network.


I was told that I needed to split the 5ghz and the 2ghz into 2 different network names (which Nest doesn’t allow you to do).

So instead I hardlined the Arc (and left the 2 eras on wifi). This should have worked because now the era 300s are on 5ghz together and the Arc is hardlined.  This didn’t solve the issue

The IP reservation doesn’t fix it either.  

I researched this over the internet and it seems like a common problem.  Sonos is the ONLY devices out of our 50 connected devices in the household to have issues.




Userlevel 2

Very interesting @keithers! Thanks for replying. 

I can’t believe there’s still devices that need networks to be split for different frequencies :(

If that is the case then the issue is really one for Sonos to address. 

Let’s see what their support teams say. 

Userlevel 1

@keithers thanks for the info. That sounds crazy to have to split your network, start hardlining some pieces just to get Sonos speakers to work properly. 

I had sent my diagnostics over the them as well, a couple of times. They did not mention the frequency issue you referred to. Hopefully that was looked at. 

Sonos with Nest Wifi Pro is a hot mess.  I ran the original google wifi mesh and sonos for several years with no issues.  Upgraded to Nest Wifi Pro, life with Sonos immediately sucked, no issues with the other 40+ devices attached.   Drop outs, serious lags, inability to group, and speakers going missing, need to reboot.  These products just don’t seem to work well well together, for several complex reasons I’m tired of investigating and trying to workaround.      

I have had much more stability switching back to using sonos net for speaker connectivity.  Direct ethernet to as many of the sonos units I could by attaching an unmanaged gigabit switch off the main Nest wifi pro unit.  Ethernet backhaul the mesh points while you are at it (if you can)  The Nest Wifi Pro should be able to navigate the increased wifi noise from the sonos net.  Sure beats getting angry with your Sonos and Google purchases and rebooting the world every few day.  

Userlevel 1

Sonos with Nest Wifi Pro is a hot mess.  I ran the original google wifi mesh and sonos for several years with no issues.  Upgraded to Nest Wifi Pro, life with Sonos immediately sucked, no issues with the other 40+ devices attached.   Drop outs, serious lags, inability to group, and speakers going missing, need to reboot.  These products just don’t seem to work well well together, for several complex reasons I’m tired of investigating and trying to workaround.      

I have had much more stability switching back to using sonos net for speaker connectivity.  Direct ethernet to as many of the sonos units I could by attaching an unmanaged gigabit switch off the main Nest wifi pro unit.  Ethernet backhaul the mesh points while you are at it (if you can)  The Nest Wifi Pro should be able to navigate the increased wifi noise from the sonos net.  Sure beats getting angry with your Sonos and Google purchases and rebooting the world every few day.  


This didn’t work for me and my Nest wifi pro network. I have 3 routers all hardlined to modem with an unmanaged switch. 

I hardwired my arc and sub (living room). And all I have additional is 1 era 300 (kitchen), 1 era 300 (office). 

I even reserved IP addresses for each speaker and the Sonos app still loses rooms on a daily basis. 

Love the sound of the speakers when they work but it shouldn’t require a degree in IT to be able to get them to be able to get rooms to be able to group consistently :(

Userlevel 1

Anyone have any new fixes for this?  The very first version of the newly released Sonos app worked to keep my rooms and speakers visible, but I accidentally did not turn off “auto update” so now I’m stuck  on version 80.00.80. 

I have tried everything. I have 3 rooms in total. 

Living room (has arc/sub) - both are hardlined

kitchen (has single era 300) - connected to 5ghz

office (has single era 300) - connected to 5ghz

I have also reserved IP addresses inside the Google nest Home app for each speaker. 

None of these solutions has been a permanent fix. 

Every time I enter the house either the living room is missing OR I have the kitchen and office and NO living room.  Every once in awhile I’ll have just the office but I can NEVER get all 3 to be available to play at the same time.  I have to power cycle the speakers repeatedly to get them to be visible. 

I can airplay to the speakers even when they’re not visible in the Sonos app.  I have over 50 devices in our household and Sonos is the ONLY one that has still has issues It’s so frustrating. 

i thought it was fixed with the new version of the app but it immediately broke again when accidentally updating 


Userlevel 1

@keithers i never found a fix. For me the new app seems to have (at least for now) fixed my issue. Although I had a few differences. When my rooms, speakers would disappear they would disappear from the app as well as airplay. They were totally inaccessible. My fix was always to restart my Nest wifi points and everything would reappear in the app and AirPlay. 

Userlevel 1

@keithers i never found a fix. For me the new app seems to have (at least for now) fixed my issue. Although I had a few differences. When my rooms, speakers would disappear they would disappear from the app as well as airplay. They were totally inaccessible. My fix was always to restart my Nest wifi points and everything would reappear in the app and AirPlay. 

I’m now experiencing what you’re talking about.   My kitchen speaker completely disappeared from even airplay on my phone I could still see it connected to the internet in the device list inside the google wifi app the whole time.


So I factory restarted the kitchen one and re-added into my Sonos system again today.  I went through all the prompts and sounds and whatever.  When It was completed it told me that my new Era 300 had been added to kitchen.   When I went back to  the Sonos app immediately after, the kitchen speaker had already disappeared again.   It is seriously getting past the point of ridiculousness.    Having to power cycle everything multiple times just to get a speaker to play.   I’m over having music by that point because I’m all frustrated.   

I screwed up by not disabling auto-updates once the new app rolled out and everything worked for a single day.   I am so glad that I didin’t invest in a larger system of Sonos speakers in every room because it would be actually impossible to get them all to show up if I cant even get 3 speakers to simultaneously be visible in the app.

We are about to add a pool in the backyard and I was going to use Sonos there too as I thought I’d be able to sync everything.   I don’t think I’m going to go that route anymore.   

Userlevel 1

I wonder why the Era 300s are unable to use Sonosnet, people at least report some success with that.  A mesh network is in almost every larger home nowadays and the fact that my electronic window treatments (blinds) work better than my sonos speakers is laughable.  

I can confirm that I have this same issue with disappearing wifi zones on an Orbi mesh network.  Extremely frustrating without any idea of how to get my zones back and functioning.

Userlevel 1

@kgerman it’s ridiculous. My “fix” is having to reboot my entire wifi network every time. I have zero issues with any other devices on my network except my Sonos speakers. 
it’s pretty clear Sonos has become a company that just wants to push products (the don’t work properly) and then not stand behind them at all. Horrible. 

I wish I had the option of rebooting my network and fixing it, but they still don’t show up. At this point I have no solution.

Userlevel 1

@kgerman well, now, after the latest app update a few days ago restarting my wifi no longer fixes the problem. Now two rooms and five speakers do not work. There are SO MANY people having issues with these products. You can see it on every social platform. Maybe someone will start a class action lawsuit against Sonos. I know I feel like I was completely ripped off. 

Userlevel 1

I have the same issue. It is increasingly frustrating. The speakers will play if I hit play or use Spotify but they randomly disappear or my library disappear. Customer Service is a long wait and pretends I am the only one having this issue and have obviously not been trained on how to solve this problem. Can you please just figure out a way to make this compatible with Google Nest?!

Userlevel 1

@Michael_16 totally agree, their customer service is really, really terrible. Even earlier in this post, in response to this issue, there is someone (I believe) from Sonos bragging about their new AI customer support and the “millions of people who are not having issues.” Not sure if anyone from Sonos is reading these (doubt it) but if they are, that is NOT how you want to speak to someone having issues with your products. 👎🏻. There is so much noise about their terrible support, here, FB, Instagram, Reddit, app stores, anywhere you look it's a ton of negative feedback about the app and products in general. You would hope they would listen. But it seems like they are now a company who is interested in pushing product and not standing behind them.