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I have two Play 3s and in recent months they have started to cut in and out more and more.  At times they work fine and then other times they are infuriating.  The music can play for literally 5 seconds and then stop for a few seconds or longer.  I lose the ability to control them from the app as the app says it can't find them or my wifi is unstable.  They end up having a mind of their own

I have no other issues with wifi and have been onto my provider and even had a new router but this has not improved anything.  It gets to the point I don’t want to use it! 

My son has a Play 1 which is newer and there seems to be no issue with this.  Give the age of the Play 3 do they just wear out or lose wifi capability? 

It seems unlikely. I have a pair of PLAY:3s which are functioning normally. What you seem to be experiencing is either wifi interference , or potentially a duplicate IP address issue. I’d certainly read through the linked FAQ, and apply as many potential remedies as possible. As for the duplicate IPs, there’s of course the long term solution of assigning reserved IPs, based on how your router’s manual suggests, or the potentially shorter term solution of unplugging your Sonos devices from power, then rebooting your router. Give the router a couple of minutes to recover, then plug back in your Sonos devices to power. 

My Play 3s have been playing for hours a day with Christmas music and no drops or glitches other than when Amazon drops the connection and I have to restart it.

That Amazon drop impacts all grouped Sonos, not just the Play 3s.

Thanks for replies.  Oe thing I didn’t mention was that often only one of the speakers plays up and the other one is still responsive suggesting it is not the source of the music.  

Will have a look at link provided, have also asked Virgin Media to provide some wifi boosters to see if that helps

If they supply “range extenders” you may have problems with them as many do not support the networking Sonos needs.

There is another thread here with owners having similar issues, myself included - 

I replaced my Play:3 with an Era 100 yesterday and all of the issues have disappeared and my Sonos system is far faster than when I had the Play:3 on. 

It’s worth noting that the Era100 is in the exact same position, plugged into the same outlet and connected to the same Mesh Node so there is clearly an issue with older Play:3 speakers.