I used to have a TV that works perfectly with Sonos Ray but due to not researching properly.
My TV is sold and I am left with
- Sonos Ray with an optical audio
- Apple TV 4k
I like to find options that can still use them together with a projector. Would anyone have any idea?
would simply buying this fix my problem? I don’t really want to get rid of my sound bar since is only 6 months of usage
HDMI 2.0 Audio Extractor 4K 60Hz 4:4:4 HDR D-o-l-b-y Vision 18Gbps - SPDIF Optical 5.1CH+3.5mm Stereo Audio Breakout, CEC, D-o-l-b-y Digital Audio Decoder,Set EDID/Audio/Down-scale/HDCP by DIP,EX11PRO https://amzn.asia/d/d8hAQbt