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How do I shut off Sonos

How do I shut off Sonos

What do you mean “shut off”?

a) Select room and press the stop button. 
b) Disconnect from power source. 
c) ??

The good old app that really worked all one did was selected no speakers and all was sjut off. Now the new app says idiot no output you can't mean that.

This app sucks



Disconnect from power source? That's what I had to revert to. I couldn't use my speakers for a dinner party tonight. The new app doesn't stay connected to speakers so that you can control them. And they've clearly moved stuff around. I literally can't figure out how to add a song to the queue. I enjoy having people add their songs, but for the life of me I couldn't figure it out, but it didn't really matter because I couldn't get it to connect to different speakers and stream. People finally got frustrated and told me to give it up. Thankfully, I had a cheap Bluetooth speaker I could stream Deezer to. First time I appreciated how dependent I am on Sonos for my streaming music system. I've spent a lot of $ on the system, but realize that's stupid because if they go bankrupt, don't keep features I want, etc. I'm completely beholden to them. And no way to contact them tonight for help. Their hours are closed, and they say they're busy, directing me to this website for help. I guess it was helpful because I now realize (1) it's not just me, and (2) the idiocy of going all in with one ecosystem vs wired speakers, which I could then add a steaming amp to. 

Add to queue should be back soon, according to this:


Thanks for that link. I've clearly been living under a rock.

It's interesting, this is literally the third major software rollout screwup I've seen over the last year (not talking Sonos).

I don't know how the industry works, but with all three it's like it's been driven by coders who don't actually use the software or alternatively (and as I type this, I realize now much more likely) by management looking to avoid complaints and save.on support costs by dumbing it down for the masses by removing functionality.

I've said to our own IT guys rule #1 should be do no evil (don't remove functionality), but they often tell me I'm the only guy who complains. I didn't believe them at first, but I've come to learn I get pissed off by stupidly designed software, whereas most others (and I mean nearly all!) just shrug their shoulders and say to themselves, 'it doesn't do X" - end of story and they just move on.

I guess when you get to a certain, you can make more money catering to the masses than the "enthusiasts", who are more difficult to keep happy (time and money), which I totally get. In thinking about, my most efficient work software is awesomely designed, but no sales traction or development. It just works, but everyone else is happy with Microsoft's limitations (the third party tool overlays a Microsoft product), so my hunch is limited commercial success.


Yup, been under a rock. Sonos is a public company looking to expand revenue, and niche features are expensive to support and gimp up the "easier, faster, and better" version of the app that works for 95%+ of users. Onto 🎧.

Below is from the Q2 earnings call transcript. I always steer clear of pubcos spewing gobbledygook (at least when combined with hyperbole), but at least I now understand the rationale for the new app, and it gives me a kick in the bum to see if the competitive landscape has changed since I last checked...

Best of all, our redesigned app is easier, faster, and better. It once again raises the bar for the home music listening experience and sets up our ability to expand into new categories and experiences. Our app is a proof point of what we have always said. We are the story of software eating audio. Our software truly differentiates our products from everything else on the market and is key to unlocking the opportunity ahead for us. Speaking of which, the second is that we are just weeks away from unveiling our newest product. This launch will give us a foothold into a new multi-billion dollar category, expanding the number of categories we play in from five to six and further diversifying our business. This has been a multi-year investment and we expect it to pay off in spades in Q3 and beyond.