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Set up

  • 30 June 2024
  • 8 replies

My Sonos speakers worked fine in previous home.  New home and internet provider but kept the same Wifi password.  Cannot connect speakers.  Wants me to use ethernet for initial start but modem is ceiling mounted.  Any work around?

Did you keep the same SSID (network name) too?

No, different internet hookup

Use the exact same SSID and password as your previous network.

To add to @GuitarSuperstar

I change my router (or Mesh) hardware as often as I see fit for future proofing and/or security. I’ve also changed ISP’s. However, regardless of which one I did change (hardware and/or ISP) I always kept my same SSID and Password. My Sonos would just find the network and connect.

The only reasons to change your SSID and/or Password are:

  • One or both were too easy to guess
  • One or both had been compromised exposing your network and anything connected to it.

I know the rule of thumb promoted by “IT” professionals is to change your SSID or Password (the latter of the two being the most important ) every 6 moths to a year. I personally don’t find that necessary at the consumer level when having a difficult to decipher password. 

Hiding your SSID so others can’t see it while it sounds great can cause other clients difficulty to latch on to it (i.e. find your network).

Using the best encryption protocol such as WPA3 or WPA3 Personal (my favorite) along with a difficult to guess Password is most all will need.

WPA and WPA2 are outdated and vulnerable.

If your present network hardware will not support WPA3 then it’s time to upgrade the hardware and/or change ISP’s if you are leasing the hardware. For the record I can’t imagine anyone using WEP encryption protocol which pre-dates WPA.

I would also recommend disabling WPS (WiFi Protected Setup) as it negates the use of a password to add clients

Note: Any network can be hacked. However, if you have excellent security/encryption protocols in place most hackers will by pass-it and go after simpler targets unless you have info on a computer they really want or they are just testing their hacking skills.

Dumb question.  What is SSID?

Dumb question.  What is SSID?

The SSID is the name of your WiFi network. Use the same name and password as your previous network.

Here’s the SSID (acronym) spelled out…

The meaning of SSID is “service set identifier”, which is simply the public name given to a wireless network.

I did keep the same name for the Wifi.  I had 2 wifi networks in the old house and wonder if my wife had them linked to the other account.  How can I get them up and running short of a hardwire modem connection?
