I purchased an Era 100 from a big chain electronic store in April. The box was factory sealed when I picked it up
Then I sold this factory sealed box to someone on May 5th (Note that i have never opened this box). Few hours later this person contacted me back and told me the unit in the box is a used One Gen2.
I can think of 2 possibilties:
#1: Someone at the electronic store swapped it before I bought it;
#2: The person who bought from me is not telling the truth.
So I'm just wondering if there is a way to check when this unit was activated. If it was already activated and used before May 5th, then we know it's #1, and vice versa.
Any help is appreciated.
Serial number (ERA 100)
A100 2301LV *****************
Serial number (One Gen 2)
A201 1909CP *****************
Moderator edit: serial numbers recorded and removed