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Problem setting up Play:1

  • 9 July 2024
  • 1 reply

My partner and I just moved into a new house, and I have been trying to set up a new sonos system using our two old Play:1 speakers, but I cant seem to get them registered so we can use them. Ill try to explain what part of the setup that causes problems.

I resetted both speakers by plugging them in while holding down the on/off and + buttons similtanously, and the indicatorlight changed color from white to orange to green as it should.

Afterwards I logged on the app to set up the speakers. My phone can find both speakers and the serial numbers match the ones I find in the app. During the setup both speakers was updated. The speakers both connect to a temporary network, that I can also see on my phone and connect to.

However, when the setup proces tells me to register the product there is a problem. First it tells me to place my phone near the speaker, so the microphone can record a soundsignal from the speakers, but no signal is playing. After that step fails twice, the app says something like “Lets try something else” and wants me to click the buttons on the speakers corrosponding til the buttons that light up on my phone. That doesnt seem to work either. The phone shows no reaction when I push the buttons. After two failed attempts of this, the setup process fails.

Does anyone have any ideas of how I can fix this? I realize that the speakers are fairly outdated, but to be honest they havent seen much use, so I dont think they are broken or anything. Any help would be much appreciated :D

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +12

I have had that happen to me before, but it turned out to be a problem with the speaker itself. I contacted Sonos support and they looked at the diagnostics and saw a component issue.

Give this a try before contacting Sonos.

Reset the speaker again, but this time connect it to your router with an ethernet cable. Try the setup again. If it still fails, give sonos a call. While you may not get a replacement speaker, you may get a coupon for 30% off.

