
Playbar and Roam died: Coincidence?

  • 1 July 2023
  • 5 replies

Last weekend, my Roam, which was about a year old, didn’t power on. Then, a few days later, my Playbar wouldn’t power on. The devices are on the same network, but they’re in completely different parts of the house, plugged into different power outlets, but it just seems like a very strange coincidence and makes me wonder if there’s malware or some other issue on the network. could just be coincidence.

(FWIW, Sonos replaced the Roam already and the new one is working fine so far. They Playbar is out of warranty, but Sonos is trying to make it a little less expensive for me to replace.)



Best answer by Airgetlam 1 July 2023, 17:05

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5 replies

I’d be suspecting some sort of power surge / brownout affecting your entire house. Computers tend to be slightly more sensitive to these types of conditions than other devices. 

Are either of these on a surge protector? 

Thanks for the quick response. They’re both on surge protectors. 

Interesting. Could be coincidence, then, or failing surge devices, hard to know. I’m pretty sure there is no ‘fail’ command being sent by Sonos to force people to upgrade. 

@Airgetlam , thanks. I didn’t mean to imply that I suspect Sonos of anything nefarious, but it crossed my mind that perhaps a malware attack or a bug could have caused issues.

I’m not aware of anyone attacking this small community of Sonos users, there would be little reason. The closest to an ‘attack’ in the history of Sonos was when a few users put their devices on the public side of their router’s IPs, and had random music forced on them. But mostly Rick rolling. There’s never been an attack, that I’m aware of, to disable a device.