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Hello, fairly new to Sonos products. 
I recently purchased a second hand Play:3 in the hopes that I would be able to airplay music through my phone to it like I can with my Play:5 speakers.

I then learnt that I can only play music through the Sonos S2 app which isn't as smooth when playing music as I'd like. I then purchased a bridge as that is what my short research led me to believe will fix my issue. Downloaded the S1 app but it is unable to find the bridge when I go to set up a new system 

Both components have been reset and I have tried every option that seems possible to me 

Am I missing something vital here? Am I able to run my system with just the Play:3 and the bridge?

Play:3 doesn’t support AirPlay at all.

It sounds like your system is running S2, which is fine.

The Bridge requires S1. It’s also ancient tech and you really don’t want to go there. Sorry, but that purchase was wasted. Hopefully you didn’t shell out more a few £/$. 

Damn okay, thank you. 
Is there anyway at all for me to play music through my Play:3 directly from Apple Music? Or am I stuck with the slow S2 app 

If you want to use AirPlay my only suggestion would be to target the Play:5, group the Play:3 with it, and if necessary mute the Play:5.

If the S2 app is slow, this usually means there are network problems.