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Play:1 unable to be managed by S2 app

  • 2 July 2024
  • 1 reply

No matter what I do to my play:one speaker I’m unable to locate it with the S2 app. What is the trick here? I previously gone through dozens upon dozens of resets on the speaker and now the speaker is unable to be located with this new S2 app or the prior S1 app, which simply redirects me to the S2 app. For those of us not following the minute by minute Sonos app/speaker changes, what is the trick to getting this to be recognized with the new mobile app?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @speedracerx 

Welcome to the Sonos Community! And, apologies for the delay.

Sorry to hear of the issue you’ve been having. Looking at your system, I can see your Play:1 is online - have you had more success since posting here, or are you still seeing this issue with the Play:1 being missing from the Sonos app?

If still seeing the issue, please don’t reset the speaker again - it obviously doesn’t help, and creates more work for you. Instead, please try a reset of the Sonos app - User Icon » App Preferences » Reset App » Reset. Reopen the Sonos app afterwards, skip past the introduction, and opt to connect to the existing system, then sign in.

I hope this helps.
