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Hi there,

I have bought a used Play 1 that allegedly is supposed to work fine.

I don’t have any other Sonos products on my network currently, but I have had a Play 3 until recently (worked fine). I started by factory resetting the device. Then I have tried the following, with the following errors:

  1. Tried to add the Play 1 through the Sonos app (not S1). I got to the Wifi-password step, but it won’t accept my wifi password. It says it can’t connect. After a while, a button appears that says “use ethernet cable” or something similar (non-english system). But when I press this, and connect the ethernet cable, it still can’t connect.
  2. I tried to add the Play 1 while the network cable was connected. This rendered the list of Wifi-networks empty and I never get to the “use ethernet cable” option.
  3. I tried to factory reset the Play 1 while having the ethernet cable connected. This did not make anything different.
  4. I have disconnected all other devices from my router, restarted it, etc. No difference.
  5. I have tried to downgrade the Play 1 to S1 (I also have a Bridge since previously) through the Sonos app, while having ethernet connected. It says it cannot connect to the service. Then after a while it tells me that the device needs to be updated. But then says that it cannot connect to the update service.

In my router, I can see the device when connected through ethernet (it has a IP number and whatnot, even see some upload/download activity).

Any suggestions to what I can do? Thanks!!

Is your router configured to WPA2?

Is 802.11b and/or 802.11g enabled on your router's 2.4GHz? If connecting to 5GHz, is 802.11a enabled?

I don't know when resetting a speaker if it keeps it on S1 in the case it had been previously downgraded by the previous owner. Have you tried registering the speaker with the S1 app in this case? 

When you tried upgrading the firmware, did you get any error codes?


When you tried to downgrade to S1, did you follow these steps?

Just wondering if you managed to get anywhere with this? I've had three dagger problem and tried the same things. 

I can also confirm my WiFi network is off the correct standards 
