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One/One SL - Stereo Pairs no longer working

  • 3 July 2024
  • 2 replies

My system is 2+ years old and was working perfectly until a few weeks ago. I wish I could pinpoint an app version, but can not. 

I two Stereo Pairs setup. in my living room I have 2 One SLs w/ a Sub Gen 3 setup as a pair. In the bedroom I have 1 One and 1 One SL setup as a pair, no Sub. 

I’m having a problem in both rooms… same problem. 

When starting to play music from the App, from any device, or when asking Alexa or Sonos to play music via voice, the music cuts in an out, plays, then one speaker, usually the right stops all together. 

I’ve done several things to narrow down the issue. 

  1. Factory reset the devices and left the speakers as independent speakers (no sub). 
    • When I did this, music played flawlessly on all speakers either individually or when grouped in any combination. 
    • Reconnected them as a pairs, problem reoccurs. 
  2. Factory reset them again and recreated pairs
    • Problem reoccurs.

I’ve discovered that when I Airplay music direct to the speakers, without using the Sonos App, music plays flawlessly for hours. 


Is anyone else experiencing this issue?



2 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

I have been having the same issue since the new app. I have worked with three different Level 2 techs on the phone, and they could not fix the problem.  That process took about 10 hours including hold times on phone and interaction over the phone. They made adjustments to my phone and router settings. I was then passed on to Level 3 Engineer.  He spent 45 minutes with me last week on the phone making more adjustments, but it still doesn’t work. Right now he is having me send diagnostic codes via email whenever this happens.  So far, he has not gotten back to me. 

Hey, thanks for the reply. I’ll call support as well so they can grab diagnostics from me too. Can you share your case number so I can tie them together?


what devices are you having the issue with?


Moderator edit: do not share case numbers - they are identifying information.
