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Often getting "No products found"

  • 26 June 2024
  • 5 replies

Often having the problem “No products found” in both iPhone and Android Sonos App.

There is NOT a network problem since I can ping all of my 4 speakers.

Also, I do not have the same problem from Mac OS Sonos App.

If I restart the app or stop/start Wifi, it often starts working.

It is so annoying and totally unacceptable of an expensive product that used to work fine before upgrading to S2.

Please confirm this is a known problem you are working on with high priority and please let me know when we can expect an update that fixes this problem…? 



OMG! I can’t believe the utter garbage the new app is. I have so many complaints but we’ll stick to this. I figured I’d just chime in that this exact same thing happens to me and my girlfriend at her house on her own sonos system. I have a samsung s20 and she has a newer google pixel. On hers its worse. She has to do what the op does and stop start wifi. I either have to wait for about 2 minutes or hard stop the app and reopen. This NEVER happened before the new crap app update. I also did what someone else did here and downloaded the previous version of the app onto an old retired phone that I have hooked to my wifi. When I have this issue with the new app, I open the other phone with the old app and hit play from there and it’s reliable and instantaneous JUST LIKE IT ALWAYS USED TO BE!! I have grown dependent on the old phone with old app if I really need to quickly pause, play, or control volume because I can’t rely on the new app to recognize my system. This is so damn frustrating my lady and I are seriously considering switching over to an audio pro system but want to demo the speaker first. Does anyone here happen to have made the switch or have any experiences with the AUDIO PRO line of speakers?

Hi Sonos,


I am having the same issue.  No e of my products can be found. I had a whole house system and now nothing showing.  Please advise.


Thank you,



I am having the same issue. I was happily using for Sonos s1 for a decade w/ no problem with the application.


My connect died and found out only 1 of my speakers works with the new system, wifi instead of mesh. 

The app takes approximately 1-3 minutes before it finds the speaker. It is really frustrating and I have moved the speaker right next to the router. 
I also have 2 different wifi in my house, I really miss the Sonos mesh. 

Same here.

To say this app is utter garbage is an insult to garbage.

My SiriusXM subscription constantly says “Something went wrong.”  Can’t use it.

Every few seconds the app loses all my devices.  They may or may not show back up.

My two Eras will auto mute themselves, and I can’t unmute them in the app (they just go back to mute).

I lost the ability to play my iTunes library, and no workaround listed on these forums works for me.

Buying any more Sonos systems is a waste of money and trying to workaround this massive insult to garbage is a waste of time.  I went back to using bluetooth via my phone to my Eras SINCE IT IS INFINITELY MORE RELIABLE THAN THE SONOS APP.

I used to recommend Sonos to everyone - now I just tell them to stay the *** away and use something, ANYTHING else.  Never buying anything Sonos ever again.  No status from Sonos on when any of these will be fixed. Again, I won’t insult garbage anymore by comparing it to Sonos.

Same issue here not working in the POS app. For me I know it’s this garbage app as I can play Sirius with SonoPhone. 


