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No products found even after reset and re-adding speakers

I have a Boost, a Play 3 and two Play 1s. I usually operate using the S2 app.

A few weeks ago the app showed “no products found”. This has happened before but has fixed itself by switching wifi on and off. Now it won’t fix at all. As a last resort I have factory reset all products and set up the new system again. Products are successfully added but still don’t show up in the app. 

This call for help is my final attempt to fix it. If it’s not fixed then I give up and leave Sonos as a customer forever. I’m done with all the recent issues. 

Thanks for your time in reading this.

11 replies

I have a Boost, a Play 3 and two Play 1s. I usually operate using the S2 app.

A few weeks ago the app showed “no products found”. This has happened before but has fixed itself by switching wifi on and off. Now it won’t fix at all. As a last resort I have factory reset all products and set up the new system again. Products are successfully added but still don’t show up in the app. 

This call for help is my final attempt to fix it. If it’s not fixed then I give up and leave Sonos as a customer forever. I’m done with all the recent issues. 

Thanks for your time in reading this.

OK…saying your products are successfully added but don’t show in the App doesn’t make sense. You can’t know if they have been added if they aren’t showing in the app somewhere? That’s like saying I’m in my home but I’m locked outside.

Are you looking in the right place in the app. Are you using the version of the app that was updated in May or the previous version?

When you setup your system as new did you setup the Boost first and then add your speakers which is the correct way. Is the Boost plugged into your router or a switch? Are you using any range extenders or access points in your network?

If you own your router did you check its admin page for updates and then reboot it before setting up your Sonos? If you are using equipment provided by your ISP you should still reboot it before setting up your Sonos.

Once you answer the questions above we can guide you further if the problem still exists.

BTW…the Boost is outdated and may be the cause of your issue. We can discuss later after you answer the questions above.

OK…saying your products are successfully added but don’t show in the App doesn’t make sense. - I completely agree but at the end of the process for adding each product it says it has successfully been added. When I then go o to the app it says “no products found”.

Are you using the version of the app that was updated in May or the previous version? -  I am using the most up to date version of the app  

When you setup your system as new did you setup the Boost first and then add your speakers which is the correct way. Is the Boost plugged into your router or a switch? Are you using any range extenders or access points in your network? - the boost is plugged directly into the router. It did not show up as a product to add during the reset process. My network has a mesh system but I used the normal Wi-Fi to set up the system (not the mesh extension)  

If you own your router did you check its admin page for updates and then reboot it before setting up your Sonos? If you are using equipment provided by your ISP you should still reboot it before setting up your Sonos. - I do not own the router. 

Thanks for taking the time to reply. 

OK…saying your products are successfully added but don’t show in the App doesn’t make sense. - I completely agree but at the end of the process for adding each product it says it has successfully been added. When I then go o to the app it says “no products found”.

Are you using the version of the app that was updated in May or the previous version? -  I am using the most up to date version of the app  

When you setup your system as new did you setup the Boost first and then add your speakers which is the correct way. Is the Boost plugged into your router or a switch? Are you using any range extenders or access points in your network? - the boost is plugged directly into the router. It did not show up as a product to add during the reset process. My network has a mesh system but I used the normal Wi-Fi to set up the system (not the mesh extension)  

If you own your router did you check its admin page for updates and then reboot it before setting up your Sonos? If you are using equipment provided by your ISP you should still reboot it before setting up your Sonos. - I do not own the router. 

Thanks for taking the time to reply. 

Is your mesh setup bridged to your router, or are you using a primary mesh Hub in router mode? Are you possibly using double NAT here and two separate WiFi networks/subnets? As that might explain why you are not seeing your players.. checkout the players IP addresses and compare it to your controller device IP address and see what that shows.

Thanks for responding.

You can’t separate your Mesh from your router. In fact a Mesh includes your router and any access points. The system if setup correctly functions as a unit. From your response you don’t own your equipment so I’m thinking you may have done something to disrupt the Mesh and therefore may have to get your ISP to configure it correctly again. 

Also if the Boost didn’t show as connected during setup then it was never authorized on your network.

One more question I should have asked before. When you factory reset your Sonos including the Boost did the LED’s on the product flash Green? If not they were not properly reset.

Yes all products went to green during the reset. 

I have used the same products on the same mesh system for 5 years. It seems the app updates have really screwed people up. I’ve seen people now selling their whole systems and that seems to be the outcome here for me. 

OK...One last question. since you previously had a functioning Mesh...Please explain this statement as I’m not following what you mean

  • My network has a mesh system but I used the normal Wi-Fi to set up the system (not the mesh extension)  

I have a Mesh network consisting of 3 units (which includes the main router) There is no way for me to use my wifi as a separate signal apart from the entire Mesh setup. The purpose of a Mesh is to extend the Wifi across your residence with the main unit (router) directing the access points that comprise the Mesh. If you somehow separated the access points from the main unit (router) the Mesh is broken and possibly each component is now operating independently which is creating the problem with Sonos. BTW...cell phones, tablets or other wifi devices may not be affected if a Mesh is broken but Sonos will most definitely be affected.

Yes all products went to green during the reset. 

I have used the same products on the same mesh system for 5 years. It seems the app updates have really screwed people up. I’ve seen people now selling their whole systems and that seems to be the outcome here for me. 

Don’t know why that is, as the App is just a ‘remote’ there are other remotes and plenty of other ways to play to Sonos products, ‘Direct Control’ AirPlay, UPnP/DLNA, Voice Control, Bluetooth, API connected hardware etc.

It sounds like your setup however is either misconfigured following system/product reset, or your network, or mobile device, is having an mDNS ‘discovery’ issue, or combination of all those things. Either way, it’s a somewhat confusing picture you are presenting here at the moment. You might find it easier to perhaps speak over the phone to Sonos Customer Support, they have tools that can help them see what’s going on with your setup and you can perhaps discuss the matter in depth with them. If you want to go down that route, then here is the link to get in touch with them.

I have the same issue.  Add the devices and they don’t show up in the app.  I can see  the Five on airplay from Spotify (my wife can not see it). My wife is able to see and play  One SL (I can’t see it on my Spotify app).  


I have the same issue.  Add the devices and they don’t show up in the app.  I can see  the Five on airplay from Spotify (my wife can not see it). My wife is able to see and play  One SL (I can’t see it on my Spotify app).  

It sounds like a bit of a confusing picture. I would suggest perhaps speaking to Sonos Support Staff over the phone via this link. Hopefully they can maybe assist you.

Userlevel 6
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Same issue after a blackout today, my surround setup beam and Sonos one totally gone wild.

White solid light means all ok.

While Sonos app can't detect or detect but say not connected…

Getting crazy here


Moderator Note - Recorded and removed diagnostics number

Seems I’m not alone. 

but I’m done with Sonos. I’ve just ordered new speakers that are not Sonos. Hopefully I can seek my Sonos set up to get some of that money back. 
