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Hey everyone!

I just bought a new Era 300 and whenever I try to to do the configuration I always get stuck when I have to download the update. It always goes to like a quarter of the update and then my wifi crashes every time. 

I can’t figure out how to fix this… I don’t know if the CS is going to be of any help but I might return it.


I was really excited about this product but I am now really disappointed. This is my first sonos experience and it is not great so far :(

What WiFi? Brand and model?

Bell homehub 3000

Maybe the latest Sonos update will help?

80.01.07 (Android)
80.01.10 (iOS)
Release date: 5/21/2024

It worked this morning I don’t know how, maybe there was too many devices connected to the wifi.

I have to say it was worth the wait! The sound is incredible in Dolby atmos!

If it acts up again go to your router’s DHCP Settings page and assign static/reserved IP addresses to all Sonos. Power down all Sonos, reboot router and power the Sonos back up.

Not certain to solve your next issue but “just works today” is a sign of IP address issues that this will end.