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line-in not grouping

  • 11 June 2023
  • 3 replies

Hi guys, I recently bought an Era 300 for the living room and a 100 for the kitchen. Both are attached to each other via a mesh network (netgear). When I’m streaming they group fine, though I do get the range extender message which I can just ignore. My issue is that when my turntable is connected to the 300 via line-in I get great sound, but for some reason I cannot get the 100 to stream the sound into the kitchen no matter what I try. Im not sure why streaming works but the line-in doesn’t. If anyone knows the answer I’d be really grateful 🙏 

Try setting the Audio Delay under the Line-In settings to Max. You can also try setting the Audio Compression setting to Compressed or Automatic. You might also try unplugging the Era 300 from power for a couple of minutes.

Thanks for the speedy reply, but I worded the question wrong and have just edited it. My apologies

Hi @MusoMagnet 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports.

Though, if you haven’t tried already, a router reboot may help - please switch it off for at least 30 seconds.

I hope this helps.