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help with Sonos Move

  • 23 December 2022
  • 3 replies

 move will not connect to Wi-Fi. Have tried all suggestions when prompted. 

Assuming the Sonos Move is currently in a factory reset state with a green flashing status LED, then…

Ensure that your mobile controller device meets the requirements shown in this link:

Also that your local network meets these system requirements, particularly note the wireless network requirements stated and ‘unsupported networks’ list:

Not much information to begin to build a mental image of your system to even hazard a guess.

What router are you using?

What type of network is this router emitting? 802.11 b/g/n, or something else?

What are “all the suggestions” that you’ve tried?

Does “all the suggestions” include calling Sonos Support directly to discuss it?

Has this Move been set up initially with another network, or is this the first time you’re trying to set it up?

What errors are you seeing, specifically, in the controller?

Are you setting this up as a new system, or trying to “add a device” to an existing system?

Thank you for the reply’s. 
all sorted now. 
