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I am fairly new to Sonos.

Many years ago I bought a 2nd hand Gen 1 Play one but didnt get on with it.

It failed to work well with Alexa and it got turned off and that was it.

But fast forward a few years and I thought I should really make use of this and dug it out and used it on the S1 app. I liked the sound so much better than my Alexa’s


A few years further on I bought an Era 300

Wow is that good. But I had lots of problems with the apps originally as all of a sudden my S2 app would find my Play 1 and start playing stuff that I had not asked for. I think that has been cured now by software updates.


But my S1 has been unused for 6 months or more and I would like to bring it back in to use


Since all of this I also bought an Arc and when funds allow would love another Era 300 to make them in to my rear speakers.


I have seen I can connect the Play 1 to the S2 app. That is great but shame the Play 5s you cannot as I have seen those being sold really cheaply.


So is there anything I can do with my Play 1 Gen 1

Also do I need to remove it fromt he S1 app before adding it to the S2 app?



I would upgrade the Play:1 first of all to the latest S1 Sonos update and then later factory reset it and upgrade/add it to your S2 App, as it is compatible with both Sonos Apps …and either leave/uninstall the S1 App.

That’s unless you plan to purchase the cheap Play:5 (gen1) speakers to use with the S1 App. So if you do go down that route, I would get those cheap devices first and add them to your S1 system and upgrade the Play:1 after installing those old products.

Thank you.


The first part did not work. That is to get the latest S1 update. Every time I opened it it told me to open the S2 app with no options


So I then reset the Sonos Play 1 and after about 8 attempts it finally connected to my S2 app and is now downloading an update which was compulsory


I just want to ask


I have the Arc

Can I use one Sonos Play 1 as a rear sound or do I need 2 ( I know two is better)

Or can it not be used at all?

I spoke to soon. It is a bit like being a rider in the Grand National

The update failed and I had to jump over more fences to resolve the issues


I now have music on 3 devices at once


Getting there lol

Thank you.

The first part did not work. That is to get the latest S1 update. Every time I opened it it told me to open the S2 app with no options

So I then reset the Sonos Play 1 and after about 8 attempts it finally connected to my S2 app and is now downloading an update which was compulsory

I just want to ask

I have the Arc

Can I use one Sonos Play 1 as a rear sound or do I need 2 ( I know two is better)

Or can it not be used at all?

To use the Play:1 as a ‘bonded’ surround HT speaker to a soundbar, you will need another Play:1 - as one speaker is used for the rear left channel and one for the rear right channel. You cannot bond just the one speaker.

You can however ‘group’ (not ‘bond’) your speakers together. See this link:

When ‘grouped’ the speakers will play all music audio (from the Sonos App etc.) in sync… but note a grouped room will play TV audio with an audio-buffer delay (minimum 75ms), so it’s best to place the speaker in a different room for listening to TV audio, otherwise you may notice an echo if both are placed in the same physical room.

Note: if you add another Play:1 - and ‘bond’ them all together, then both the music and TV audio will each play in sync.