First Audio Cutting in and out - Now ZERO Volume in Middle of Audio Play

  • 26 June 2024
  • 1 reply

Well, ever since the NEW APP came out, my pair of Roam Speakers would cut in and out when grouped to my Beam...ONLY when listening to anything from the TV Source.

It was suggested that my wireless system could be the issue. Never understood this as I would never have issues when grouped, listening to audio from the Sonos Controler. my Roam Speakers are useless. Utterly Useless. I started losing volume on the Roams when grouped yesterday, again with my Beam and again while listening via the TV Source. I can set the volume and then leave the App, only to have the volume level drop from 60 to 0. It started slowly but NOW I am unable to group my Roam speakers due to this zero volume level thing going on now constantly. They are not useless...not too bad as book ends…

I specifically purchased the Roam believing I could group these to my existing system to listen to both TV Source Audio along with other audio sources.

I find that this system is glitchy at best with a downright poor customer service or awareness of what the customer’s needs are. 

I hope the support staff can come up with a fix for this issue soon. YES! YES! I’s probably my wireless system...I know...

1 reply


My sound going to zero level continued so much I unplugged my two Roam speakers from my system. 

I then uninstalled the Sonos App from my phone but kept it on my laptop to control the system.

After one day I entered the Roam speakers back into my system and began using them in group connections. 

For two days, I had no issues with my system working. 

Today, I installed the Sonos App back on my phone...and today my problem came back. My speakers volumes will just lower by themselves. It seems like every time I go to use my phone, the volumes decreases. 

I have a Samsung Z Fold 5.

I hope someone can help me with my problem or at least explain why. Not being able to have the App on my phone defeats the whole purpose of having an app.


