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My Era 300 suggested firmware update today.
Sonos release notes say that version 80.00.04 has been released 5/13 and adds lossless audio support for Apple Music (Release notes for Sonos software updates | Sonos).
Lossless Apple Music is something what I definitely want to get ASAP but at the same time I want to stay on the old 16.1 Android app until Sonos fixes all the issues with the latest mobile app version.

So before I proceed with FW upgrade to 80.00.04, I need to make sure that it will work flawlessly with the 16.1 Android app.
Can someone of Sonos staff confirm whether they are compatible, or does the new FW 80.00.04 require the new 80.0 mobile app?

Given what I’ve been seeing in terms of the number of issues people are having, if your system and app are working now, I’d hold off til they get the bugs worked out.

Agreed. I rolled back to 16.1 and then made sure to shut off auto updating for my devices too. My current set up works great so i have no desire to update fw until the latest app version works for me too.