Due to the disaster with the new app, I started looking into the recent Sonos developments. I was totally surprised to find out that there is a web interface that can control my boxes at home! Only protected with username password, no two factor auth. In the context of the software development skills that Sonos so publicly displayed, I lost all confidence, that Sonos can do proper web service development or even proper secure development. So in my eyes, the web service that exposes my boxes to the internet is to be considered totally insecure. It represents an unacceptable risk to my personal local network and data.
With that I revoked internet access for my Sonos boxes and only use Airplay2. Now I want to sell my Sonos setup as long as the prices for used boxes are still ok but I do not know if I should update the boxes before I do.
I was wondering if anyone has found any indication what firmware changes have been done after 78.1-52020 (my current firmware version). The release notes never where a real help but at least they committed a certain indication if a major change was afoot. But even that has been removed.