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Eras 100s frequently "muted" or "sleeping

  • 13 June 2024
  • 0 replies


  • Era 100 (2)
  • Both connected via ethernet cable
  • Idle Auto-Disconnect turned off
  • Line-in cable from MacBook Pro Headphone jack

Overall, works very well and I love the speakers


Problem: It appears that after some amount of silence, the speakers go “mute” or to “sleep”. This doesn't happen if there is a constant stream of audio like music playing, but does happen if there is no sound and then I switch to something with audio (youtube, music, etc.)


This happens a lot in conference calls. After I am speaking, I will see that someone is responding, but I can’t hear them.

When this happens, I can always “wake” the speaker up by increasing the volume. The volume wasn’t 0, but by increasing it, it appears to wake them up and then all is normal.


Hel, currently my only issues.

The audio Delay is set to 75sm

Moderator edit: combined posts

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