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Some weeks ago, my Sonos 300 stereo pair stopped working. The app reported them as “not connected” and it wouldn’t let me do anything with the devices. I was reluctant to try a factory reset since documentation stated that reset shouldn’t be used as a troubleshooting step, however after an hour on the phone with Sonos Support I was advised to perform a hard reset. Setting them up again was straightforward and all was back to good. 

However, now it has happened again. Suddenly the stereo pair was in a “not connected” state and has been like that for some days, even after multiple restarts. This time I wanted to jump straight to doing a hard reset myself, and I succeeded resetting one of the speakers. However, the other speaker will not reset. All that happens is a solid white LED on top that lights up as soon as the power is switched on and stays on until the power is switched off (with a small delay). 

Are anyone experiencing similar issues? Is there a “harder” way to reset an Era 300 device? 

Update: I phoned Sonos Support and I have to return the speaker (the one that will not reset) and get a new one. 

The support rep tried to convince me it was a network issue (I have Google Nest Pro network), and that even a reset rely on the network where she suspected the root cause was, but I didn’t buy into that and she finally agreed a return was needed.

I wonder if the two occasions with dropout / not connected state for the E300 stereo pair has anything to do with the network though..