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I’ve just unpacked a new era 300 and want to hook a CD player up to it but having some issues. Currently the 300 is on the network ok and is working via the Sonos app, when I attach a 3rd party usb-c to audio connector and hook that up to my cd player (via headphone out port, no other output port available) I don’t get any output at all, the line out settings in the Sonos app are also unavailable.

What could be going wrong? Is it that I’m using a 3rd party adapter and only the official Sonos one will work? Or something else?



3rd party adapters tend to be a different type of device (most often, they’re in the opposite direction) than what Sonos needs. Generally, this is easily solved by using the Sonos adapter, but if you were to post a link to the adapter you’re trying to use, we might be able to give you more information. 

Yep not a problem.

Bleh, of course, being in the US, that link wants me to change my Amazon to UK, something not your fault, just the way Amazon works.

Looking at the US equivalent, that adapter is ‘backwards’, and takes USB (digital)  to 3.5 mm (analog) output. What you’re looking for is the opposite, taking analog input and changing it to digital, to go in to the Sonos. 

Yep that’ll be Amazon for you!


Thanks for looking into it, will get the official Sonos version bought and see how I get on.



Works perfectly now with the Sonos line in adapter. Thanks for the help!