My personal advice is to not factory reset any of your Sonos products, you might actually end up with more issues, rather than being better off, for a variety of different reasons. I would start with checking your setup in conjunction with this Sonos ‘reduce wireless interference’ document…
Sometimes, if using a WiFi connection to your speakers, a simple change in WiFi channel might resolve things, but try to use channel 1, 6 or 11 as they are non-overlapping with a channel-width of 20Mhz only. See this link:
If using a SonosNet connection then ensure it’s channel is at least 5+ channels away from your chosen router channel and set the wired device at least one metre away from your router/WiFi AP See this link:
I’d also recommend looking at the setup of your router, and defining reserved IP addresses for your Sonos products.
Ken thanks for your suggestions. I will give them a try.