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I have a system made up of 16 Sonos one and one SL speakers in a hotel. When there is a power outage, some of the SLs raise an IP outside the range provided by the LAN equipment.

The DHCP range for the network is 10.0.4.x but the speakers take 169.254.x.x

The movile app do not detect this 3 speaker on the wifi network, and this 3 speakers ara at a considerable height so is no so simple to reboot a press the buttons….

The 169.254 addresses have been automatically assigned by the Sonos devices as they were unable to obtain an IP from the DHCP server.


have a look to make sure the DHCP scope has enough IPs available.

It may be quicker to turn off the power at fuse / distribution board to reboot them.

Sonos units will revert to AutoIP if a DHCP server can’t be found, but they should keep polling for one, so a DHCP that’s slow to restart ought to be discovered eventually. 


For the Sonos SL speakers losing connection after power outages:

Assign static IPs within the DHCP range.
Increase DHCP lease time on the router.
Use network monitoring to identify issues.
Consider scheduled reboots during low-traffic times.


Suspiciously like a spam  response, especially given the failed link at the end. 

Suspiciously like a spam  response, especially given the failed link at the end. 

Already reported

i am not a spam. sorry for mistake at the end. i am deeply sorry for that.

Just out of curiosity, why did you respond with generic information to a two month old post?

I just joined the community. It was just a random post. In future I will be careful. again sorry for that.

Increasing lease time is often a help when you have DHCP issues as it reduces DHCP updates, BUT it can make Sonos issues more persistent as they keep the bad address data longer.

Far better to keep standard DHCP renew intervals and set the Sonos to static/reserved addresses.

Then if you must modify DHCP for other equipment it will not impact the Sonos operation.

I just joined the community. It was just a random post. In future I will be careful. again sorry for that.

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