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After more then a year waiting, I’ve finally got my Sonos gear moved. I have 2x PLAY1 and 1x SYMFONISK. This evening I wanted to connect everything to my new network (telenet belgium), but all my device don’t want to connect with wifi. When I connect with cabble, i have no problem connecting. Any solutions? (already did: switching on/off router, devices, rebooting pixel-hone, connecting with ethernet and then switch to wifi...)

Thanks, Sam

Na meer dan een jaar heb ik eindelijk mijn sonos materiaal terug. Ik heb 2x play1 box en 1 symfonisk lamp. Deze avond probeerde ik alles te installeren op mijn netwerk (telenet belgie), maar al mijn toestallen willen niet connecteren met het wifi netwerk. Wanneer ik connecteer met de ethernet-kabel lukt het op te registreren, echter nadien loopt alles fout. Iemand een oplossing? (al gedaan: reboot router, rebout devices, reboot pixel-phone, connecteren met ethernet and nadien overschakelen naar wifi)

Bedankt, Sam

You have to ‘tell’ the Sonos system your new Wi-Fi SSID and password while it is connected and can receive data.

Reconnect your system with the cable to your router, and wait a couple of minutes for things to settle down before going in to the controller and changing the data there. Once that’s been sent out to all the connected devices, you can remove the temporary Ethernet cable.

Here is the new router - installation instructions FAQ.


I did al the above things, but it’s not working.

  1. I’m connected with my phone to the wifi network.
  2. When the app sonos2 searches a device, he finds it. (green dot is flickering)
  3. He asks to connect to a temporary network from the box (SONOS-….)
  4. My phone is getting the notification and I press connect. (i also tried it manually the second time)
  5. but when trying it always get stuck with get closer.
  6. My phone is next to the speaker, but after searching again he tells me he was unable to connect and proposes ethernet cabble.

I’d recommend that you call Sonos Support directly to discuss it.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and network.

Thanks for the input Bruce.