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Since installing the new app I lost my sub, it's just not possible to add to groups due to "connectivity issues". The system still sees the sub as present, so no idea what the problem is.


After about an hour of tinkering or so I gave up, deleted the new app and sideloaded the old app (16.1). And guess what, I added the sub with no problems…


Unbelievable how a broken product like the new app can get released in the current state. Even if this gets fixed, the reputational damage to Sonos will definitely have impact on sales.


So anyways, I can highly recommend sideloading the old app and turning off auto updates.

The app is useless. Join the Lawsuit to recover investment, associated expenses, and damages

Can yopu provide some info/links to the lawsuit. Support is no dismal. i just called 140 minutes to speak to support. The old app at least you could resolve lost speaker issues. This company must be going bankrupt or something. Support is terrible, all outsourced to t”techs” who no nothing in india or somesuch.

Simply search the forum and respond. “ I’m in”

I can’t keep a connection to all my speakers. They keep going in and out.