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I recently moved away from my parents where my Sonos Play:1 was originally placed in a system using my dads e-mail. When i moved in my roomate already had a sonos that was connected to her account and i’ve been trying to connect mine to it as well but it is not working. I’ve tried factory resetting and used the add new product in the app but it constantly fails.


Jeg er lige flyttet hjemmefra med min Sonos Play:1 og skal sætte den på min roomies konto fordi det er kontoen på wifi’et, men det virker ikke. Hver gang jeg prøver at tilføje nyt produkt får jeg fejlmeldinger.


If you have indeed factory reset the device, then who it belonged to and what system it was connected to no longer matters . Connect it to your router with an Ethernet cable, and follow the ‘add a device’ process in the controller. Once you’ve done that, it should both appear in your controller (and you can remove the Ethernet cable if desired) and it will be transferred to your ‘account’ on the Sonos db on



Power down your unit and get your controller connected to her system. If you decide to uninstall your controller and install a new copy, be sure to “join” a system, don’t build a new system. Once your controller can operate her system, power up and Factory Reset your player, then add it to the system.

If you return home with your player, you’ll need to repeat the above in order to join that system.

Note that Factory Reset clears all SONOS Playlists and music service registrations.