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Hello. I have just attempted to set up my new Sonos beam (generation 2) to my existing 2 generation 1 speakers only to find out they unfortunately can’t be used together.

My dad has a pretty solid Sonos collection he’s now had for a bit over a decade (6 amps, Sonos play 5 and a couple of ones) so I was wondering if there ever comes a time where he has to replace one of them, will he be able to? If that’s the case it’s a bit unfortunate how all the gen 1’s are now virtually obsolete. 

At least for the immediate future there is an active used market. 

What exactly does he have? “Gen 1” devices is ambiguous. Many “Gen 1” devices can work on S2.

Rather than saying Gen ? when talking about this issue using S1 and S2 is much clearer and less confusing.

See the S1 / S2 list here as well as a note on the bottom about product Generations.