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Combining Friends Speakers and My speakers for Party?

As the subject says: Having a party at a venue hall and I'd like to my Sonos speakers and my friends speakers at the new location (all speakers are on S2 app btw)

Is it as simple as connecting each of our phones to the venue Wi-Fi network and then updating Wi-Fi in the Sonos App? (Or will we need to do a factory reset for each speaker)

Will we be able to combine both speaker sets together even though they’re tied to different accounts?

My research says it should be possible but trying to understand better so I can avoid pitfalls.

I’d think you have to factory reset one set or the other and then add the reset ones to the other account. No idea what that will end up doing to what Sonos sees as the ownership of the speakers.

Something that might be a bit less aggravation is to factory reset all but one, keeping it active on ther original account and saving all your internal settings. After the venue reset all the ones you moved and add them back to the original un-reset Sonos.

I’d recommend waiting for a better answer before doing anything.

Hi Music,

Hope so you’re doing well, to use Sonos speakers from different accounts at a venue hall, connect your phones to the venue's Wi-Fi network and add the speakers to the Sonos app. No factory reset is usually required. You can create a speaker group that includes all the speakers, allowing them to play together. Coordinate with your friends to temporarily share access to their Sonos speakers by adding their accounts to the Sonos app on your phone. This will enable you to control and combine all the speakers within the app, providing an enjoyable party experience.

Hope so this will work for you!


Bryce June

Bear in mind though that humans are great at blocking wifi signals with their bodies. There have been posts on here before now with horror stories of music failing during the gatherings as the wifi signal can’t reach the speakers. Is it possible to use wired connections at your venue?