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I have a bluetooth turntable (Sony PS-LX310BT) connected to an Era 100. Everything was working fine and easily until yesterday when there was no sound coming out of the speaker while connected. The speaker still connects as soon as the turntable is on. I’ve reset the speaker. The turntable connects and plays audio with a different speaker connected and my Era 100 plays when connected through my phone and computer, just not sure what’s happening now when the turntable and speaker are connected. They were working together as recently as two days ago. 

I had thought I had been going crazy the last week as well as have exactly the same Sony Turntable (Sony PS-LX310BT) and Sonos Era 300 speaker. No sound is coming out despite pairing Ok. The turntable connects with my Sonos Move and Roam. Given that this thread has been going for nearly 3 weeks I’m hoping someone at Sonos is across this and looking to rollback the last software update so this is resolved. Extremely frustrating!!!

So, when Sonos aren't having a ridiculous spat with Google that affects customers AGAIN, we're now faced with software that does not work with this Sony turntable via Bluetooth.

How about giving your customers a free line in adaptor that you charge a ridiculous 19 pounds for? I cannot use the turntable at all now.  It's the least you should be doing.


​​​​Unacceptable, terrible service... again!




I know this is off topic but I rarely get so angry as I am now.  I cannot even ask the Era 300 to play a BBC radio station as that doesn't work and hasn't done with any Sonos speaker for well over a year. It's unbelievably rubbish service. A great sounding speaker with useless integration. Certainly nothing smart about it.

I know this is off topic but I rarely get so angry as I am now.  I cannot even ask the Era 300 to play a BBC radio station as that doesn't work and hasn't done with any Sonos speaker for well over a year. It's unbelievably rubbish service. A great sounding speaker with useless integration. Certainly nothing smart about it.

I’m based in the U.K. the same as you and Alexa works fine here with BBC radio stations - it just needs the BBC sounds skill installed.

Oh and Sonos are aware of the Bluetooth issue and have said they are urgently working to try to fix the issue. 3 weeks is nothing to get the matter fixed and tested on all their various products. So I would maybe at least wait until the next update to see what happens - there has not been an update yet and there’s undoubtedly other bug fixes to be included too, beside the Bluetooth fix that are waiting to be rolled-out worldwide. Anyhow here’s hoping the update will make it out the door in time for Santa.🤞

Know this is a known issue and being worked on but adding on to the pile of additional cases. Purchased same Sony Turntable and the Sonos Move 2. Connects via Bluetooth but does not play audio. Turntable works fine with two other old Bluetooth speakers we have. Hoping for a new update to come before my return window expires before switching up to Bose or the like. Fingers crossed. 

Diagnostic #: 326653052

I know this is off topic but I rarely get so angry as I am now.  I cannot even ask the Era 300 to play a BBC radio station as that doesn't work and hasn't done with any Sonos speaker for well over a year. It's unbelievably rubbish service. A great sounding speaker with useless integration. Certainly nothing smart about it.

I’m based in the U.K. the same as you and Alexa works fine here with BBC radio stations - it just needs the BBC sounds skill installed.

Oh and Sonos are aware of the Bluetooth issue and have said they are urgently working to try to fix the issue. 3 weeks is nothing to get the matter fixed and tested on all their various products. So I would maybe at least wait until the next update to see what happens - there has not been an update yet and there’s undoubtedly other bug fixes to be included too, beside the Bluetooth fix that are waiting to be rolled-out worldwide. Anyhow here’s hoping the update will make it out the door in time for Santa.🤞

Thank you for the reply. Yeah, my other speakers and Home system is Google. I am now trying the Alexa voice assistant on the ERA 300 so I can use BBC Sounds with voice activation!

Note: The Google Assistant is not available to install on the Era 300 speakers anyway, so you will need to use Alexa to launch BBC Stations using the BBC Sounds Skill from those Sonos speakers.

I’m fairly sure BBC does not work with the Google Assistant on ‘3rd-party’ speakers, although it’s been a while since I last tried that with Google. I seem to recall there was no licence agreement to launch the service on 3rd-party devices via GA, but I think the BBC Stations will work direct on the Google Nest devices.

Probably something that Google and BBC need to resolve, perhaps🤔?


Yes, I was aware Google Assistant is not available on the Era 300 and yes, I have Google speakers in other rooms that work fine when asking to play BBC radio stations on them.

Thank you.

I am having this same issue, but bought my Era 100 yesterday. My Era 100 has connected to my turntable but is not playing any sound. Luckily I’ll be able to return my Era 100 if this issue is not fixed relatively soon. However, is there any precedent for his quick Sonos can make an update?

I am having this same issue, but bought my Era 100 yesterday. My Era 100 has connected to my turntable but is not playing any sound. Luckily I’ll be able to return my Era 100 if this issue is not fixed relatively soon. However, is there any precedent for his quick Sonos can make an update?

There’s no date specified and whilst Sonos Staff have mentioned the matter is urgently being looked into, they rarely announce dates, or their development roadmap. I guess it depends how their own testing goes, post fix.

Another case here -- I bought the Era 100 specifically to use with the same Sony turntable and Bluetooth connects but Era does not play sound. I will be returning my Sonos very soon if a fix doesn't come. Such terrible service.  

Another case here -- I bought the Era 100 specifically to use with the same Sony turntable and Bluetooth connects but Era does not play sound. I will be returning my Sonos very soon if a fix doesn't come. 

Here’s a Google Translation…

ha ha…😂

Anyhow, I am just so glad that I can personally wait a little more patiently and not let such things wind me up to the extent I might return things after a couple of weeks, or so.

All this too, because of a software bug that the manufacturer has ‘clearly’ said they are looking into urgently and will fix.

Gosh, if I had acted like that in the past, I would have returned my TV, Phone, Tablet, Smart-Home plugs & lights by now, as I’ve waited ages for some bugs to be fixed on each of those other devices.

Inhave the same problem. What is the fix sonos??

Same issue here. I have the same Sony turntable. It connects to my soundbar via bluetooth. No longer connects to Era 100 which I use to connect to speakers throughout house. Ordered the line adapter as quick fix. Please fix the software. The connection to my turntable is literally the only reason I bought this particular speaker.

Ken, thanks for  the bunny post, I was so tempted to post a “shoot the puppy” one.

For you folks wanting to sell Sonos gear you can’t do that here (wish you could) but ebay and several other sites do a brisk business in used Sonos gear so you can recover something instead of just trashing it.

Even Goodwill, Salvation Army or local church thrift store are better than the trash bin.

Returning an item is not a threat, it’s a consumer right. If you are within the time span defined by the store or by the laws of your country, is a totally reasonable thing to do, considering the situation.

There’s a few people here that bought a Sonos product for the specific purpose of connecting it to their turntable via bluetooth, and that’s not working right now.


Same issue here Sony turntable connects but can't hear sound, Era 300 and mini sub in my Den

Returning an item is not a threat, it’s a consumer right. If you are within the time span defined by the store or by the laws of your country, is a totally reasonable thing to do, considering the situation.

There’s a few people here that bought a Sonos product for the specific purpose of connecting it to their turntable via bluetooth, and that’s not working right now.



If the poster never returns it and just keeps saying they will, not only is it a threat, it is an idle threat.  It’s also old, tiresome, and does nothing to speed up the solution.  It’s not like Sonos engineers are sitting around playing video games and suddenly say “Whoa, poster @impissedoffandgoingtokillthisbunny is returning their Era 100, we better get cracking!”  It takes what it takes, and anyone who thinks they can speed up that process needs a lesson in the software development cycle, or a quick read through of The Mythical Man-Month.

15.11(build 76247270) is out, however it did not fix Bluetooth no sound problem for my case.

Everything was fine before November 17 😐, can we please rollback to that state?

Latest diagnostic #: 1625656218 (in case in the latest firmware more logs are added).

Since Sonos Support doesn’t live in these forums, have you called in with that diagnostic?

So I’ve been following this thread for a while now. Like everyone else I have had issues since the 17th November to connect my Sony turntable to both my Era 300 and 100 devices. Worked like a dream before…


Contacted Sonos support via chat a few days later and I was told they were aware of the issue and took my diagnostic information and was told to keep and eye out on updates.


Today was the day, an update arrived, I updated my app and devices but still not working… so I contacted Sonos support again but this time I got a very different tune,

“..Oh unfortunately, at least from Sonos, we don't have steps to connect a Bluetooth device without graphic interface, we can help you to enable the Bluetooth in the speakers, but the connection needs to be with Sony…”

I went on to say it worked fine before your update so your issue and was basically told to try a refund.


Incredibly disappointed to say the least…

Here is the response from Sonos on Reddit regarding the 15.11 update:

“The fix for the Bluetooth issue that I've seen floating around isn't included in this update. But that should be coming soon”

Here is the response from Sonos on Reddit regarding the 15.11 update:

“The fix for the Bluetooth issue that I've seen floating around isn't included in this update. But that should be coming soon”

That sounds better than my response, fingers crossed

I just connected to my speakers to test things out and they seem to be working again. Fingers crossed the issue is fixed!


Just for more detail, I have a stereo pair of era 300s with a tv as the Bluetooth source. Have been using it without issue for the past hour.

Same issue with Bluetooth, Sony record player and era 100.  Was working for a LONG time and then stopped around November.  

Sonos - can you please give an update?! I own entirely too many of your products for this to not be resolved.