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Bluetooth connected but no sound

  • 18 November 2023
  • 292 replies

I have a bluetooth turntable (Sony PS-LX310BT) connected to an Era 100. Everything was working fine and easily until yesterday when there was no sound coming out of the speaker while connected. The speaker still connects as soon as the turntable is on. I’ve reset the speaker. The turntable connects and plays audio with a different speaker connected and my Era 100 plays when connected through my phone and computer, just not sure what’s happening now when the turntable and speaker are connected. They were working together as recently as two days ago. 

I chatted to support earlier and they have engineers working on this. It's apparently unrelated to the recent Sonos software update. 

I have been experiencing the same problem with my BT audio transmitters since recently. When they're connected to my Sonos Era 300 system as BT audio inputs there's no sound from them anymore even though they look like they're all connected just fine. 

When my phone's connected via BT the sound comes through just fine though. Only the BT audio TXs are affected. Weird.

Exactly the same issue.  Really noting as I’ve just lashed out on a Bluetooth Record Deck and Vinal as well as 2 Era 300s and can’t use them. Let’s get a fix update asap please. 

Same issue here  Sony PS-LX310BT connected to Sonos Era 100. Worked 4 days ago. Hasn’t worked for last 3 days. Tried Uninstalling Sonos App and reinstalling. No effect. Pairing seems to work but no sound from single speaker. 

I just got in an Era 100 and can confirm the same with my Sony PS-LX310BT - Bluetooth connects but no sound. Connecting my Move to the same player works fine.

Thank you for the information.  I did both.  The issue is on their end and they have no timeline on the ETA of a solution as has been discussed 

I may well follow IanH2409 and exchange for Bose.  

Disappointing performance and response for a new customer of such highly recommended speakers.  Premium prices require premium performance and service in my book.

It’s only been recently reported, plus it’s thanksgiving/holiday weekend, but if you can’t wait patiently for a fix, then here is the link for you to return your eligible devices:

Do you work for Sonos?

No, all Sonos employees are required to identify themselves in their Avatar as such. @Ken_Griffiths is just a user, like the rest of us. The only Sonos employees here are the Forum Moderation Staff. 

No, all Sonos employees are required to identify themselves in their Avatar as such. @Ken_Griffiths is just a user, like the rest of us. The only Sonos employees here are the Forum Moderation Staff. 

Jusr curious because his last two comments 'if you can't wait patiently' and 'You need to let Sonos know it’s not working rather than just posting here in the user community' sound an awful lot like patronising corporate nonsense. 

Or the voice of experience speaking. He’s a long time user of Sonos, from what I can see in these forums, and is continually helpful to a lot of people. Very knowledgeable, too. 

Or the voice of experience speaking. He’s a long time user of Sonos, from what I can see in these forums, and is continually helpful to a lot of people. Very knowledgeable, too. 

Ok, fair point, I just disagree with the comments, we are the customers and should be treated as such, not as beta testers..

Or the voice of experience speaking. He’s a long time user of Sonos, from what I can see in these forums, and is continually helpful to a lot of people. Very knowledgeable, too. 

Ok, fair point, I just disagree with the comments, we are the customers and should be treated as such, not as beta testers..

 @Airgetlam - thank-you for the kind comments. 🙏

@Rob_P - I honestly haven’t asked anyone here to test ‘anything’. My posts in this thread were suggesting that rather than posting ‘BT profile’ device issues here to a ‘user’ community, that some users who were seeking a fix (perhaps sooner, rather than later) would likely be better off contacting Sonos Technical Support to bring their issue to the attention of Staff and to submit a diagnostic report from within their App, shortly after having reproduced their own issue.

That information/report will then (hopefully) provide the technical data that the Sonos engineers need for them to fix the BT issue for their products. Any fix obviously then needs to go out for testing and if all is well, it will go into a future Sonos App/Firmware update.

Such updates are released to users, on average, about every six weeks, or so… so it’s good to get the data into the system at the earliest opportunity, albeit it’s been a holiday period this past week.

One user in the thread was considering returning their Sonos product, rather than waiting patiently and so I pointed them to the Sonos Support Site for product return, to assist them, that’s if that was to be their chosen route, rather than waiting for a fix.

It is OK to be frustrated. It is OK to not expect to be a beta tester for any company, unless you sign up to do so.

Calling out another user, however, is not so OK.

Having worked in the software industry for many years, I can tell you that on occasion, I’ve released software that had bugs in it, and my QA folks didn’t catch it. It was only when the release reached the public that it was found. Then the process needed to occur of replicating the bug internally, figuring out the fix to the bug, then having QA test it, then getting beta users to test it, then releasing it to the public. More often than not, none of those were simple processes of minutes. Some of them required days, or weeks. Complicated by the fact that sometimes, fixing one bug exposed/created several more, which needed to be tracked down and stomped, then tested again. 

I don’t like that this bug exists any more than you do, but it’s unlikely to help speed the process along by calling out individuals, be they Sonos employees or not. Certainly community members will attempt to help where they can. And the Sonos employees want to keep their jobs, which means selling more speakers. Having a bug in the software is counter to that goal, I would imagine all involved are quite motivated to get this fixed, tested, and released as quickly as possible. 

It is OK to be frustrated. It is OK to not expect to be a beta tester for any company, unless you sign up to do so.

Calling out another user, however, is not so OK.

Having worked in the software industry for many years, I can tell you that on occasion, I’ve released software that had bugs in it, and my QA folks didn’t catch it. It was only when the release reached the public that it was found. Then the process needed to occur of replicating the bug internally, figuring out the fix to the bug, then having QA test it, then getting beta users to test it, then releasing it to the public. More often than not, none of those were simple processes of minutes. Some of them required days, or weeks. Complicated by the fact that sometimes, fixing one bug exposed/created several more, which needed to be tracked down and stomped, then tested again. 

I don’t like that this bug exists any more than you do, but it’s unlikely to help speed the process along by calling out individuals, be they Sonos employees or not. Certainly community members will attempt to help where they can. And the Sonos employees want to keep their jobs, which means selling more speakers. Having a bug in the software is counter to that goal, I would imagine all involved are quite motivated to get this fixed, tested, and released as quickly as possible. 

I'm not calling out anyone or trying to offend or elicite a response, just expressing an opinion, nothing more, nothing less. I understand perfectly how software works, or sometimes doesn't, but a bluetooth speaker that does not connect to a Bluetooth device for whatever reason is just not good enough. Its a shame because the quality of sound from these speakers is superb

I don't know, in my book accusing people of working for a company due to their comments sounding like "patronizing corporate nonsense" sounds to me like the very definition of calling people out or trying to offend or elicit a response.

I'm not calling out anyone or trying to offend or elicite a response, just expressing an opinion, nothing more, nothing less. I understand perfectly how software works, or sometimes doesn't, but a bluetooth speaker that does not connect to a Bluetooth device for whatever reason is just not good enough. Its a shame because the quality of sound from these speakers is superb

It will likely be a Bluetooth ‘profile’ issue, I suspect. See this link:

Little doubt it will be fixed, if that’s the case, but these things do not get resolved in hours, or days, but here’s hoping it’s included in the next fix, but it certainly does help if Sonos are actually given the information reports and the diagnostic data, to ensure the fix will work for them and their Sony TT model etc.

Or the voice of experience speaking. He’s a long time user of Sonos, from what I can see in these forums, and is continually helpful to a lot of people. Very knowledgeable, too. 

Ok, fair point, I just disagree with the comments, we are the customers and should be treated as such, not as beta testers..

 @Airgetlam - thank-you for the kind comments. 🙏

@Rob_P - I honestly haven’t asked anyone here to test ‘anything’. My posts in this thread were suggesting that rather than posting ‘BT profile’ device issues here to a ‘user’ community, that some users who were seeking a fix (perhaps sooner, rather than later) would likely be better off contacting Sonos Technical Support to bring their issue to the attention of Staff and to submit a diagnostic report from within their App, shortly after having reproduced their own issue.

That information/report will then (hopefully) provide the technical data that the Sonos engineers need for them to fix the BT issue for their products. Any fix obviously then needs to go out for testing and if all is well, it will go into a future Sonos App/Firmware update.

Such updates are released to users, on average, about every six weeks, or so… so it’s good to get the data into the system at the earliest opportunity, albeit it’s been a holiday period this past week.

One user in the thread was considering returning their Sonos product, rather than waiting patiently and so I pointed them to the Sonos Support Site for product return, to assist them, that’s if that was to be their chosen route, rather than waiting for a fix.

Unfortunately, from what I've read on various threads regarding this issue, Sonos technical support have suggested that it is a problem with the blutooth devices rather than the speakers themselves, which I (along with many other customers) know to be incorrect. What they should do is admit that something has gone a bit wrong and give an indication of expected timescale to correct it. I think that is reasonable..

I don't know, in my book accusing people of working for a company due to their comments sounding like "patronizing corporate nonsense" sounds to me like the very definition of calling people out or trying to offend or elicit a response.

I didn't accuse anyone of anything, just asked a question, which surely is the point of the forum?

I didn't accuse anyone of anything, just asked a question.


Enough suspicion to prompt a question and a follow up that amounts to you calling their posts corporate shill speak is as bad as an accusation, if not worse.  Just own it.

I'm not calling out anyone or trying to offend or elicite a response, just expressing an opinion, nothing more, nothing less. I understand perfectly how software works, or sometimes doesn't, but a bluetooth speaker that does not connect to a Bluetooth device for whatever reason is just not good enough. Its a shame because the quality of sound from these speakers is superb

It will likely be a Bluetooth ‘profile’ issue, I suspect. See this link:

Little doubt it will be fixed, if that’s the case, but these things do not get resolved in hours, or days, but here’s hoping it’s included in the next fix, but it certainly does help if Sonos are actually given the information reports and the diagnostic data, to ensure the fix will work for them and their Sony TT model etc.

I agree, bluetooth profile would be the logical explanation. Unfortunately in my case Alexa functionality has also been affected which is really strange

That would most likely be a different issue, and you should call Sonos Support directly to discuss it.

That would most likely be a different issue, and you should call Sonos Support directly to discuss it.

Yeah, it's just really strange that it happened at exactly the same time as the 'Bluetooth problem' Coincidence, maybe, or a related firmware update issue?



Unknown, until you contact Sonos. Since no one else has complained about an Alexa issue associated, it seems more likely to be a local issue….but that’s just merely a guess. A Sonos rep, who has access to the diagnostics would be much more likely to provide you a ‘real’ answer. 

Unknown, until you contact Sonos. Since no one else has complained about an Alexa issue associated, it seems more likely to be a local issue….but that’s just merely a guess. A Sonos rep, who has access to the diagnostics would be much more likely to provide you a ‘real’ answer. 

should find out shortly, i returned my speaker as faulty, replacement due to be delivered tomorrow. I'll turn off updates as soon as I connect it, if no problems then it has obviously been a software/Firmware update issue. Fingers crossed

Also same exact problem. PS-LX310BT Paired with Sonos Era 100, but no sound 😔

I should add the PS-LX310BT plays on my Bose Bluetooth speaker with no issue. So it’s not the PS-LX310BT.