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Bluetooth connected but no sound

  • 18 November 2023
  • 292 replies

I have a bluetooth turntable (Sony PS-LX310BT) connected to an Era 100. Everything was working fine and easily until yesterday when there was no sound coming out of the speaker while connected. The speaker still connects as soon as the turntable is on. I’ve reset the speaker. The turntable connects and plays audio with a different speaker connected and my Era 100 plays when connected through my phone and computer, just not sure what’s happening now when the turntable and speaker are connected. They were working together as recently as two days ago. 

Thanks everyone - that’s probably enough diagnostics for now. We are now investigating this issue. 


Can you give any indication of how long it might take for this to be resolved; days/weeks/months? 

And whether there might be any compensation for e.g. line adapters? It feels very counterintuitive to spend more money with Sonos because you wrecked the system. But returning the system to the retailer is also undesirable.

Looking forward to your response.

Thanks everyone - that’s probably enough diagnostics for now. We are now investigating this issue. 

Hi Corry,


Can we have an update on this please? The only reason I purchased my Era 100 was for this setup, and Sonos has now effectively bricked my device. I'm almost a week without being able to use the Era 100 now, not to mention the four+ hours (across chat and phone) I had to spend with tech support who refused to acknowledge this was an issue.


As you might imagine, incredibly frustrated and quite disappointed with this issue.

Hi @RobNL 

Apologies - I can’t give you an ETA on a fix, no - what if I was wrong? It would just be another point of contention. 


Edit: I should add that we are looking into this with urgency


Hi @Domfenix 

I understand your frustration.

As frequenters of the forum, you and I will often be aware of new issues some time before our first-level technicians - issues are generally identified from user reports such as those here, and only when investigated and confirmed will documentation be set to the agents informing them of the issue.

Although you did not receive a fix while you were in touch with our support team, it’s entirely possible you were in-part responsible for the issue being confirmed - thank you for your time.

@Corry P thanks for the update 🙏

Same Sony PS-LX310BT


living room 



Same problem here with a project BT E1 turntable that I bought to be connected to my era 300. Very disappointed it doesn’t work. Diagnostic 1149206654

Same issue here. Called earlier this week and went through a lengthy diagnostic report to no avail. They mentioned to me that they 'might' be in touch with an update. But no ETA on when. 


Literally only have these speakers for my record player so if there isn't a solution soon I'll be going in for a refund.

Hi @RobNL 

Apologies - I can’t give you an ETA on a fix, no - what if I was wrong? It would just be another point of contention. 


Edit: I should add that we are looking into this with urgency



Thanks for your quick reply and I respect your honest answer. But I specifically did not ask for a specific timeline, just a days/weeks/months reference so I know what action does make most sense..

This is my first Sonos system and I was very happy with both the Era’s and the turntable.. anybody else has any experience with how much time this might take with Sonos?


I returned my Sonos Era 100 earlier today.

Exchanged for a Bose speaker which connected successfully in seconds.

Its a shame as I rate Sonos products highly, I have three different Sonos speakers throughout my house.

best of luck everyone getting a fix.

I agree this needs to be sorted ASAP and we need to know if an update will be on its way shortly or if it's just a 'maybe'. Days? Weeks? Never?


I literally only bought these speakers for my turntable maybe 3 weeks ago and was happy with how it was working until this issue. If it can't be fixed / updated Sonos should provide us with free line in adapters so we can continue to use them. I really don't want to return these because of this issue as I have Sonos everywhere else in the house.


Please keep us updated.

Hi @RobNL & @Ellasaurus 

I appreciate your points, but we are still in the early stages of finding the root cause of this problem - I just can’t guess as to when a fix will be made available.

I will also voice my disappointment with this situation, as many others here, I also have an era 100 specifically for connecting to my turntable. I obviously don’t know about what are Sonos priorities, but the latest update shipped with a core feature that is broken: from my tests, all bluetooth connection with devices with Bluetooth < 5.0 are not working correctly.


I understand that it takes time to fix software bugs and release processes might be lengthy, but the lesson I’ve learned from this is that I will disable automatic updates for my Sonos products.


Hopefully the situation will be sorted out soon, thank you @Corry P for the updates and being active on this thread.

Did anyone already fix this via the usb c port? I am a complete tech idiot, so what would I need to get if I have the Sony turntable and two Era 100’s on both sides of the living room, each ~5 meters from the turntable on the other sides.

Depending on total cost, I will decide whether or not to return my Era 100’s. While appreciating @Corry P contribution to this topic, truly disappointing first time Sonos experience. Bought the system because I thought it would be hassle free..


Hi @RobNL & @Ellasaurus 

I appreciate your points, but we are still in the early stages of finding the root cause of this problem - I just can’t guess as to when a fix will be made available.

Can we at least manually downgrade to previous version (15.9) ?

Hi @aleksss 

Due to the fact that Sonos systems are typically comprised of more than one device and controlling app, downgrading the firmware isn’t an option as it is with unrelated devices that operate solo. As a result, there is no method by which you can downgrade the software manually, no.

Same problem here. Sony turntable purchased yesterday and playing quietly to itself and the Bluetooth link is established but no music from Era 300. 

Same problem here. Everything connects then no sound. Only have this speaker for the record player so rather disappointed with Sonos here. 



Same problem here, had to grab my old Bose speakers to make it work. Pretty please with sugar and cherry on top, I have invited to a Christmas party playing vinyls, everybody brings their favourite vinyl to play, but need my Sonos to work!!

Same issue with a Sennheiser BT T100 streamer and a stereopair of Era 300

Same issue, I’ve had dual ERA 100s for 3 months connected by Bluetooth to Sony record player, no issues then bam last week would not play any sound. Sonos live chat absolutely awful stating my record player is incompatible - what a cheek, I did extensive research and spoke to Sonos before ordering to make sure they’d be compatible, I now wish I’d gone with Boses and I’ll be contacting for a return this is absolutely absurd and terrible service! 

Same issue with my turntable.

I cannot connect my Era 100’s via Bluetooth to my audio-technica AT-LP120XBT-USB turntable.  The speakers connect fine to my iPhone and iPad.  

The main reason i bought these speakers was to use with my Bluetooth turntable.  

Will serious consider returning them and my Beam if they cannot work with the turntable.


Same issue with my turntable.

I cannot connect my Era 100’s via Bluetooth to my audio-technica AT-LP120XBT-USB turntable.  The speakers connect fine to my iPhone and iPad.  

The main reason i bought these speakers was to use with my Bluetooth turntable.  

Will serious consider returning them and my Beam if they cannot work with the turntable.

You need to let Sonos know it’s not working rather than just posting here in the user community. It is best to submit a Sonos system diagnostic report from within the Sonos App after trying to use the BT pairing unsuccessfully, note it’s reference and then contact/chat with Sonos Support Staff via this LINK and see what the Staff can perhaps suggest to resolve the matter.

Thank you for the information.  I did both.  The issue is on their end and they have no timeline on the ETA of a solution as has been discussed 

I may well follow IanH2409 and exchange for Bose.  

Disappointing performance and response for a new customer of such highly recommended speakers.  Premium prices require premium performance and service in my book.


Thank you for the information.  I did both.  The issue is on their end and they have no timeline on the ETA of a solution as has been discussed 

I may well follow IanH2409 and exchange for Bose.  

Disappointing performance and response for a new customer of such highly recommended speakers.  Premium prices require premium performance and service in my book.

It’s only been recently reported, plus it’s thanksgiving/holiday weekend, but if you can’t wait patiently for a fix, then here is the link for you to return your eligible devices: