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Balance of ERA100 Stereo speaker keeps going to the left

I have a stereo speaker set made up of 2 x ERA 100 and I find it randomly keeps going out of balance. The right speaker drops in volume to about half of the left speaker.

When I subsequently change the speaker volume the balance goes back to the centre again, i.e. the right speaker increases to the same volume of the left.

Hi @Stratos 

Thanks for your post!

This sounds most annoying and I’d like to look into it for you. Could you please recreate the issue and submit a support diagnostic soon after? Please let me know here when you have done so, but please don’t share the given number. Thanks.


I have already disabled the Trueplay which might have fixed the issue.  FYI This Trueplay was the ERA100’s own built-in Trueplay (not iPhone Trueplay as I don’t have one).

I will update here after a couple of days which should prove whether this is now fixed.

Hi @Stratos 

I hope that does help, but it still shouldn’t happen. Forcing it to retune may work: Settings icon » nroom with Era 100] » TruePlay » Retune.

I hope this helps.


Hi @Stratos 

Thanks for your post!

This sounds most annoying and I’d like to look into it for you. Could you please recreate the issue and submit a support diagnostic soon after? Please let me know here when you have done so, but please don’t share the given number. Thanks.


The fault is still happening and will try and sort out a diagnostic support file for you in the next day or two.


Hi @Stratos 

Thanks for your post!

This sounds most annoying and I’d like to look into it for you. Could you please recreate the issue and submit a support diagnostic soon after? Please let me know here when you have done so, but please don’t share the given number. Thanks.


@Corry P 

I have sent you a PM with diagnostics upload #.


Hi @Stratos 

Thanks for that - we can indeed see the two speakers at different volumes for no apparent reason, though it does appear to be volumes, specifically, and not the balance setting.

Please unpair the speakers (just put one in a temporary room when asked by the app), group them together and play for a while - do you see similar behaviour?

Either way, please then pair the speakers back together again, and test - has that improved things?

Separate a stereo pair

Create a stereo pair

I hope this helps.


OK, so I have broken the stereo pair and will observe for a couple of days to see if the volume issue in unrelated to the stereo pairing and is a fault with a specific speaker.
So far the volume sounds the same when set to same volume setting in app.

Hi @Stratos 

Honestly, I wouldn’t wait that long. I’d rather you tested for that period in the configuration that you actually want.

Instead, test for half an hour - if you see no issues, re-pair the two speakers and test in the configuration that you want to work - if the issue comes back, please test longer-term with them separated and try to track the volume each speaker should be at, and if it changes. If it doesn’t come back, then I think we’ve fixed it - days earlier!

I hope this helps.

So I have removed/reset up the Sonos Stereo pair and also removed and re-added Sonos services on Home Assistant and Amazon Alexa. From what I can now see (hear) all appears to be OK now.

Hi @Stratos 

Fantastic! - hopefully, it was just a temporary glitch that we solved by unpairing and re-pairing. Thanks for updating the thread!
