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J’essaie de regrouper une paire d’enceintes Play:1 avec mon ampli Marantz M-CR612 sans succès. Je vois bien soit les 2 Sonos dans l’appli Sonos et je vois bien l’ampli et ses 2 enceintes dans l’appli HEOS. Je peux bien lire séparément sur les Sonos ou les Marantz mais pas les 4 ensemble. Comment faire svp pour les regrouper (multiroom des 4 ensembles).

Merci d’avance.


Good morning, I'm trying to group a pair of Play:1 speakers with my Marantz M-CR612 amplifier without success. I can see either the 2 Sonos in the Sonos app and I can clearly see the amplifier and its 2 speakers in the HEOS app. I can read well separately on the Sonos or the Marantz but not the 4 together. How to group them please (multiroom of the 4 sets). Thanks in advance.

They aren’t directly compatible. You’d need to introduce the sound signal into a Sonos device with a line in, using the Line Out RCA jacks on the back of the device. These would go either to a Sonos Port, or a Sonos Five, or, the unreleased Sonos Era 100 or Era 300s.  Once the data is in the Sonos ecosystem, you could then play it on your PLAY:1s. If you went with a Sonos Port, you could take the Sonos signal from the Port’s Line Out and connect it to the analog input on your Marantz. 

Note that the line in on any Sonos will be subject to around a 75ms delay, so if you’re playing content from the Marantz on the Sonos, it will be slightly behind the sound of the speakers connected to the Marantz. However, if you’re playing a signal from Sonos to the Marantz, all speakers would be in sync. 

Excuses. Depuis Google Traduction :

Ils ne sont pas directement compatibles. Vous devez introduire le signal sonore dans un appareil Sonos avec une entrée de ligne, en utilisant les prises RCA de sortie de ligne à l'arrière de l'appareil. Ceux-ci iraient soit à un port Sonos, soit à un Sonos Five, soit aux Sonos Era 100 ou Era 300 inédits. Une fois les données dans l'écosystème Sonos, vous pouvez ensuite les lire sur vos PLAY:1. Si vous optez pour un port Sonos, vous pouvez prendre le signal Sonos de la sortie ligne du port et le connecter à l'entrée analogique de votre Marantz.

Notez que la ligne d'entrée sur n'importe quel Sonos sera sujette à un retard d'environ 75 ms, donc si vous lisez du contenu du Marantz sur le Sonos, il sera légèrement derrière le son des haut-parleurs connectés au Marantz. Cependant, si vous diffusez un signal de Sonos vers le Marantz, tous les haut-parleurs seront synchronisés.

Thank you Aigetiam for this very clear answer. This is not what I was hoping for in terms of ergonomics and simplicity because I thought that we could group them together via Wifi in a multiroom process. When I bought the Marantz I was told it was multiroom. So it must only be software non-compatibility. That's a shame.

Thanks for the help anyway.


I don’t know of any manufacturer that would give you direct compatibility with other Wi-Fi connected speakers such as Sonos. It’s unfortunate your sales person gave you bad information. 

Ok tks - I use them separately.

It is really surprising that with the integrated HEOS Multiroom System it is not possible to pair wifi multiroom speakers since Marantz says that it is possible in its product sheet and specs.
It makes you wonder what the Marantz multiroom function (HEOS) is for ?

… but probably I should forward this question in a Marantz help/forum ??….

Likely so. Each manufacturer keeps their own ecosystem, and tends not to allow much cross pollination to occur. I suspect finding speakers that work wirelessly with the Marantz would be a problem. You may want to check the owner’s manual, they may list compatible speakers there. 

Marantz seems to work with AirPlay Apple. If Sonos is not considered in the Apple perimeter you are completely right. Thank you !

Some Sonos speakers (the new models) do work with AirPlay 2, which is a completely different thing than simple wifi connection, which is what I thought we were discussing.


See the FAQ here;

Aha, my google translate session didn’t catch the thread title...which is why I was misled. My apologies.

Important to note, Sonos connects to AirPlay 2, and not AirPlay 1 (the original version) .

no problem ! .. . and, as you can see, i’m french with (surely) a very bad english. 😉

My French has gone by the way side, back in the day I attended L’ecole de Garcon in Louvecienne...but that was in 1965/1966. I’m afraid I didn’t keep it up, being the crass American that I am. Google translate tends to save me more frequently these days, although it’s occasionally not perfect….but neither am I.