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Hi -

We have a multi-room setup (rooms close together) that operates mostly as one living area but I’d like to have the option of turning one room’s volume down occasionally.

Our setup is three pairs of Sonance ceiling speakers and one Sonos amp. The wires in the ceiling are in a series with just one wire feeding back to the amp. Therefore separate amps means opening walls back up and I’d like to avoid this.

I heard that impedance matching volume controls is an option. However, can I just tie one control to one pair and leave the others without the matching volume control? Basically I’d use it for the dining room and can turn that room down while leaving the other two rooms at normal volume.

Lastly, the other question is whether I can pair two ceiling speakers (not in the dining room) with another Sonos portable speak for the dining room and therefore could either turn it down or off if needed.


Thanks for your help!

Think of the Sonos Amp as a normal stereo receiver, with one set of speaker posts/outputs. Anything you can do with a single output from a receiver, you can do with the Sonos Amp. It will have one ‘stream’, at one volume. You can split/adjust the volumes downstream up to a point, but there’s only so much power, the Sonos Amp can’t push an infinite amount of speakers. 

You could add an impedance matching volume control to any room or rooms and get the ability to have less or no sound in the room.

You are going to have to remove the speakers you want on volume controls from your main wire and hook them to the volume control and then connect the control to the main wire again so there will be some wiring involved.

Depending how things are wired it could be a minor task but even worst case if you are single story and have attic access to the wire you’d only need to do an in-wall drop where needed with no need to open the wall at all.